
Will Smith Good Remarks About Islam

“I was in India recently and my hotel was near the Taj Mahal. Five times a day there would be a call for prayer, and it was the most beautiful thing “. I was lying on my bed thinking, no matter what your religion is, it would be great to have that reminders five times a day remember your lord and saviour’ stated the Hollywood actor, producer, rapper Will Smith.

Few years ago rumor was spread that Will Smith has converted to Islam but that is not true. The American celebrity played the lead role of a Muslim, that of legendary boxer’s Muhammad Ali in film “Ali”. During the making of the movie Willard Christopher also called Will Smith Jr. learned about the Islam and was impressed with its.
In a reported statement he said that the recent visit to India where he spent considerable time at the Indian wonder he listened to Azan five times a day that inspired him. He too, spoke against the US attacks and killings after 9/11 and showed sympathy with the Muslims.
Smith is considered to be amongst the most celebrated people of USA. He had won Golden Globe, Grammy and Academy awards. Being moved from television to film industry as an actor and rapper earned him immense fame. Smith also received the Best Oscar Award nominations for Ali and The Pursuit Of Happyness.
The conversion of notable personality is surely the evidence the power of Islam that attracts number of people each year to enters its fold. This would bring positive message to all the Muslims globally who claim Muslims to be terrorists.
To name a few non-Muslims who had entered the folds of Islam include :
Recently a British top mode Carley Watts had too embraced Islam.
A.R.Rehman, the Indian musician who was born as A.S. Dileep Kumar
Ali Mirza, prince of Georgia, Mark Hanson now Hamza Yousuf who is an Islamic scholar and co-founder of Zatuna college.
Pakistani cricket player Muhammad Yousuf who was formerly known as Yousuf Youhana.
Ibrahim Dooper (Douglas Hooper) –spokesman for American Islamic Relations.
Idris Muhammad-American jazz musician
Jermaine Jackson brother of Michael Jackson
Shaheed Akbar and Yusef Lateef, American jazz musician.
Jemima Goldsmith, wife of legendary cricketer-politician Imran Khan Shaniera Thompson, an Aussie wife of pace bowler Wasim Akram is among the newly converts.

5 Ways To Stay Motivated

Do you remember the day you first joined your gym? Wasn't it a great feeling, knowing that you had finally taken that first step towards living a healthier life? Making a conscious, positive decision to improve is rewarding, and hopefully we've all kept that promise to ourselves. But try as we might, it seems that there's always a handy excuse to not exercise.

While gym attendance peaks around January, it slacks off every March/April as people forget about their New Year Resolutions. Summer BBQ's and vacations tend to make people stay away from the gym, and six months later holiday parties and planning to the same thing. Finally, we can all relate to those days when we simply don't want to work out!

The International Health, Racquet & Sportsclub Association, a trade association serving the health and fitness club industry, reports that the average health club member in the United States spends only about 90 days at the gym per year.

The goal of this article is to help you STAY MOTIVATED to exercise! It's not enough to just help you with the 'how' of exercise – we want to help you with the 'why' too!

So what can you do to stay motivated? Here are five great ideas to help us all keep that inner fire burning…..

1) Find an exercise buddy! When we know that someone else is going to meet us at the gym at a certain time, we will automatically be much more likely to show up ourselves. After all, who wants to abandon their friend? Don’t have a friend at the gym? Invite one along! She will appreciate the invitation, and will be much healthier for it!

2) Get to know people in the gym! Visiting with friends and family while we're exercising makes the time go by so fast it hardly even seems like we're doing something good for us. It's great to get out of the house or office and just have some fun with other people!

3) Talk with your doctor! We all know that exercise is good for us. From helping to prevent cancer to lowering our blood pressure to helping us fit into that swimming suit, exercise is the best thing we can do for ourselves. Even with that knowledge, it's sometimes encouraging to hear about our progress from our doctor. Here's a hot motivation tip: ask your gym for a copy of your fitness records (monthly body fat analysis and measurements) and then share that information with your doctor. He or she will be so happy that you're exercising, and will encourage you to continue!

4) Chart your progress! The CEO of a Fortune 500 company once said "What gets measured gets done", and that advice is as good for us as it was for that business. Take the time to keep a food journal, an exercise log, or simply write down your fitness goals. Post it where you will see it every single day (on the 'fridge, in the car, on the mirror, etc.). Life is just so busy these days, a constant visual reminder of our goals may be just the motivational push we need.

5) Give yourself a reward! Sometimes the 'big picture' can be too intimidating. For example, if you have 80 pounds to lose it's tempting to think "It’s too much! I shouldn’t even try." That’s one of the biggest motivation-killers out there, so combat those discouraging thoughts by rewarding yourself for smaller accomplishments. Treat yourself to a manicure when you lose that first five pounds. purchase a new outfit when you've lost ten pounds. Take a mini-vacation when you're halfway to your goal. Give yourself small rewards for achieving smaller goals, and guess what.....many small steps make up a long journey! Before you know it, you'll have accomplished your overall goal!

There are many other ways to give yourself the motivation to succeed. Try some of these tips today – the only thing you have to lose is the fat!

5 Sure-Fire Tips To Save You $1000's On Your Home Gym

It always amazes me when people say "Home Gyms are expensive! I just don't have $1000's of dollars lying about" These people obviously haven't looked very hard because nowadays home gym equipment doesn't have to cost 2, 3 or even $4000 dollars.

Below are 5 great alternatives that won't cost you the earth but can do just a good a job as many of the commercial fitness equipment found in local gyms.

1. Dumbbells
For resistance weight training you can't go past dumbbells for their practicality and versatility. You can perform any number of exercises with dumbbells that even the more expensive weight machines can't do. These days you can get adjustable dumbbells which allow you to use add or remove weight from a single dumbbell with a simple pin, just like with traditional pin loaded weight machines.

This feature means you don't have to purchase different weight dumbbells for different exercises and you save on floor space which can be used for cardio equipment like ellipticals or treadmills.

You can easily get a good quality quick change dumbbell set for less than $500. At that price you'd be silly to spend money on larger, muscle specific equipment even if you did have extra cash floating around.

2. Remanufactured

A lot of people these days are purchaseing remanufactured exercise equipment, and for good reason. Remanufacturing involves taking a used machine and completely restoring it with new parts to make it look, feel and function like a new machine. Often the only part of the equipment that is not brand new is the frame.

By purchaseing remanufactured or refurbished fitness equipment you can realistically save 50% off the normal, new retail price.

3. Used

purchaseing used or second-hand equipment can be a cost effective way of setting up your home gym. The only problem is you don't know how the previous owner treated the machine and if it has any problems. The last thing you want is for the machine to breakdown 6 weeks after purchaseing it and finding out that it's not covered by warranty.

Sometimes the actual machine may seem like a bargain but future unforeseen expenses may make you regret your purchase. If at all possible get to test drive the machine and ask about the warranty.

4. purchase direct from the factory

Some online stores offer factory direct fitness equipment. By doing this you cut out the middle man and save big time. Remember just because it is cheap doesn't mean its poor quality. With so much competition online these days online suppliers are cutting costs to get market share. That means more money in your pocket!!

5. Added bonuses from reputable online suppliers

Some online suppliers will include free shipping with their products. This can greatly reduce the cost of piece of equipment if you add delivery to it.

Also make sure you check out the machines warranty. You can save yourself a lot of heart ache down the road if you make sure you're covered by a decent warranty which included motor, parts and labor.

Look for at least 6 months for parts and labor and 1 year for the motor for remanufactured equipment and 1-2 years parts, labor and motor for new equipment.

Now that you are armed with this information go and have a look around yourself you'll be surprised at what you find!

5 Quick and Easy Fun Ways to Get in Shape

Getting and staying in shape doesn’t have to be dull and boring!  Try some of these fun fitness activities to make your workout time more enjoyable.

MUSICAL EXERCIES – Put on your favorite music and do some yoga! No need for slow, elevator music. Move to your favorite beat. Or pop on the headphones or earphones and grab your MP3 or cassette
player or handheld PC and bike to a nearby park. Too cold or rainy? Then head to a mall or other enclosed area where you can walk. Caution: make sure you are alert while listening to music with headphones or earphones.

FUN IN THE SUN – Check out the latest tanning solutions and try fun, scented versions with funky, multi-colored sunglasses. Grab your cassette player or MP3 player and favorite tunes. And pack some flavored water, new flavored health bar that you’ve been  dying to try and some frozen berries in your carryall for breaks and have a “sense”-ational time.

FITNESS CLASSES – Try out a new fitness class for fun. Enjoy a full water aerobics workout with less stress on your joints. Grab some colorful water gear and swim to the beat. Or try a dance or Jazzercise routine. No need to commit long-term, just ask about popping in for a class or two to check it out and enjoy. Meet new friends and get fit all at once.

VCR / DVD – Head to the library or local rental store and grab a fun fitness video or DVD. Crank up the sound when your favorite tunes come on and join the taped workout participants in the privacy of your own home.

GYM / FITNESS CENTER – Dig out those coupons you’ve been receiving in envelop mailers and those money saving coupon magazines. Again, no need to commit long-term. Just head on over and use the free or low-cost trial / invitational period and enjoy!

JOURNALING – Spice up your logging routine with an inexpensive new journal from a discount or dollar store nearby. Crate snazzy charts with colored markers. Add bright colored stickers for each workout. Paste or tape clipped pictures of your goals throughout the covers and inside sections. For example, paste pictures of  that vacation spot you want to travel to with your new, healthy YOU wearing a new swimsuit.

So add some fun in with your fitness activities. Wake up your senses with new taste, smells, sights, touches and sounds. Forget that “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” stuff. Workouts plus play make Jack a fun, fit boy!

The information contained in this article is for educational purposes  only and is not intended to medically diagnose, treat or cure any disease. Consult a health care practitioner before beginning any health care program.

All Natural Weight Loss Supplement Hoodia Gordonii

In my time I have been an international competitive swimmer, ranked number 1 in the UK, in the top 20 worldwide, represented England, and won medals at World level. Having been in the environment of top class athletes, and everyday healthy people, I have become very knowledgeable in the area of nutrition and fitness.
Still maintaining regular fitness and excellent nutritional levels, I regularly converse with many people of all types of fitness levels. The majority, at fitness centers, are obese and vastly over weight, constantly looking for ways to lose weight.

Spending years training in public, and seeing bodily changes on a day to day basis, I have become very familiar with Hoodia Gordonii, and have seen rapid improvements, that have in turn had life changing effects on people, and all for the better.

You may be wondering what Hoodia Gordonii is, and may have heard from the newspapers and television.

It is grown in the Kalahari Desert region of South Africa, Hoodia Gordonii is an all-natural appetite suppressant, derived from a cactus-like plant with prickly spikes. Scientists have been researching the Hoodia plant for almost a decade, and have found it to be completely free of harmful side effects.

The active ingredient in Hoodia Gordonii, the molecule known as P57, imitates the effects that glucose has on your brain, signaling that you are full. Your brain has what is called a Hypothalamus. This part of your brain controls your appetite. When you eat, the glucose levels in your body rise. As these levels go up, the hypothalamus sends off a signal to your cells to stop eating. This is when you start to feel full. Hoodia Gordonii's molecule, P57, tells your brain the same exact thing, even if you haven't eaten a bite. By mimicking the effects of glucose on your brain, the hypothalamus starts to send messages to your cells which in turn, make you feel full.

Paul Callis is extremely knowledgeable in the field of sports and nutrition in the UK . Paul’s passion for swimming in his earlier years, helped him achieve world medals and gain great knowledge and understanding in all aspects of looking after the human body, eating correctly to maintain a healthy lifestyle, and discovering what does and does not help with weight loss.
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