
How To Create A Website That Search Engines Will Love.

It is a well known fact that "Content is King".

An information laden website relevant to a specific niche is the life-blood of Search Engines and they love them. The more ontent you have on your website, the greater your chances of enjoying a decent search engine ranking.

After all, it is information that brought about the Internet in the first place and it is information that draws more and more people to the Internet every day.

If you are thinking of building a website for the first time, you need to be asking yourself two key questions:

1) Where do I get all the articles that I need to build a content laden website?

2) How do I build a content laden website without getting too technical?

Hundreds of authors provide articles for free reprint, and these articles cover just about any subject you could think of.

Why do they do it? Two reasons:
1) To show off their expertise in their given niche.

2) To get incoming links to their website, product offer or their opportunity.

But don't let these two reasons put you off using them. Remember, you need good quality content on your site, to feed the information hungry search engines and keep people coming back to you website.

So where do you find the articles you need to include on your website?

There are many article directories on the Internet, some specialising in a particular field, others are more general in nature, but with categorised sections.

Here are a few to get you started.

You can also have articles emailed to you from any of the many article announcement groups that exist. Here are a few to explore:

You will need to subscribe to these, to receive the articles.

Now that you have found a whole bunch of articles to add to your website (the more, the better), how do you get them from the article directory to you website with the smallest amount of technical knowledge and as quickly as possible (like now!)?

As you find the articles that are based around your desired website theme, copy and paste each article into a text editor (Notepad) and then save each one into a directory on your hard drive.

Don't forget to make sure that you have included all the elements of the article; the title, the authors name and copyright info, the actual article and the authors resource box, usually found at the bottom of the article.

Next you need an HTML template file.

Website templates are much like free reprint articles in that a quick search on your favourite Search Engine will provide you with hundreds of possibilities, some free, some for a small to moderate fee.

Just choose the one that you think best fits the theme of your new website.

So now you have possibly several hundred text files, each an individual article and a website template file. Now what?

I bet you are thinking that it will take you forever to add all those articles to your new template and require some technical knowledge; if I told you that all the hard work has already been done, would you believe me?

Well, it's true, click this link to find out why:

Charge Your Mobiles with Peepal Leaves!

Now, you do not require any mobile charger... to charge your mobiles. Only there is need to use green leaf of peepal(Ficus religiosa) tree and after some time your mobile will get charged.

 No soon the... people came to learn this development, they tested it and found encouraging results. If your mobile has been discharged and you are inside a jungle then you need not to use any charger. You Should pluck two peepal(Ficus religiosa) leaves and your work would be done

 It is very good idea and easy to charge your mobile. You would have to open your mobile battery and connect it with peepal leaf. After that without shaking mobile set you should set the battery in your mobile set. After some time your mobile would be charged.

 Though it is unbelievable but as soon as the residents of Chitrakoot,Nepal. came to know about the discovery they could not believe the news. But when they saw it practically then the incident proved true. 

Now hundreds of mobile holders are using this technique and charging their mobiles. 

Whereas according to the botanists, it is just changing mutual energy into electrical energy power can be saved in battery. Similarly, it is also possible. They said that it is the subject of research. Step by Step guide to charge your mobile battery using peepal leaf:-

 1- Open your mobile cover

 2- Take out your battery 

3- Take two to three fresh leaves of peepal/pipal/ashwattha tree 

4- Touch the stub of these leaves on your mobile battery terminal for a minute 

5- Clean the mobile battery terminal with the soft cloth 

6- Put your battery again in your mobile and switch it on 

7- Now you can see the result 8- If required repeat the process with fresh leaves

8- If required repeat the process with fresh leaves. 

More than 2 million people submitted applications for living on the Mars

Mars One plans to have a human settlement on Mars within a decade

The group will select between 24 and 40 candidates for training in 2015

The third round of selection will include a series of challenges that will be broadcast on television and online

A one-way ticket to a barren, hostile landscape, where temperatures can drop as low as -150°C, might not sound like everyone’s dream destination. 

But as of the application deadline a week ago, more than 200,000 people from 140 different countries have applied to be among the first colonists on Mars.

The applicants have agreed to stay on the red planet for the rest of their lives – and be filmed for a reality TV programme, said the company behind the mission, Mars One.

The Dutch group wants to launch a supply mission that will land on Mars as soon as October 2016.  A ‘settlement rover’ will then land in 2018. 
They added that landing systems will be tested eight times before they are used to transport humans – a move that Mars One said will make the trips ‘much safer than moon missions’.

From the 200,000 applications, between 24 and 40 candidates will be selected to participate in a seven-year training program that would start in 2015. 
Current applicants have three more rounds to get through before the final selection. 

The second round will include an interview with Mars One committee members, and candidates advancing to the third round will compete against one another.
The third round will include a series of challenges to prepare candidates for the potential mission and will be broadcast on television and online.

The group said it aims to have a human settlement on Mars within a decade.
Journey time to Mars, which is approximately 40 million miles away depending on its position in orbit, would be around 200 days.

‘Going to Mars would make me feel like I am a true Star Trek officer,’ said one applicant, Michael Archavian. 
He said that if selected he would ‘do a lot of exploring, see the sites, and stay up at night to see the dual moons’.
VIDEO: Construction steps of the Mars One settlement

But Dr Veronica Bray of the University of Arizona has expressed concerns about the project. 
‘Radiation exposure is a concern, especially during the trip,’ she said.  ‘This can lead to increased cancer risk, a lower immune system and possible infertility.’

The colony budget is £4 billion, compared to the £1.8 billion spent on Nasa’s rover Curiosity, the most advanced and biggest robot to ever traverse Mars.

Mars One aims to raise money to help fund the project through a long-running, global, reality TV show, which will select the first 24 candidates and follow their training.
Viewers would vote for who should be on the first team of four to leave Earth in ten years’ time. By 2033 the colony would reach 20 settlers.
Dr Chris Lintoot, from Oxford University, said that while the mission was plausible, the problem would lie in the funding.
‘It’s about having the political will and the financial muscle to make this happen,’ he added. ‘That’s what nobody has been able to solve so far.’

Crashed Hard Disk Data Recover Tips, Tricks

If you are a technical person, you should know about hard disk and why it fails. The good news is, even if you’re hard disk is fail, you still can recover the data out of it. There are few methods by following them you can recover data from crashed hard disk for free. Also, you can try data recovery freeware to get to the solution.

 How To Recover Data From Crashed Hard Disk

How To Recover Data From Crashed Hard Disk First Precautions:

Stop writing or copying anything on hard disk else the original data will be overwritten. Do not install any software on the drive that you wish to recover to prevent any data overwritten.

 Connect Your Drive To Different PC/Laptop: 

Do not waste your time on anything else, until you try this. Remove crashed drive and connect to any other machine as secondary drive. You need a USB to IDE/SATA adapter to perform this. This adapter you get in local computer shop in low price. If you know to how to connect hard drive internally to desktop then you can check with that method as well. If you get any success to access the crashed hard disk, do not get overexcited until you copy all the required data. As the access could be temporary and there are chances of getting it crashed again.

Use Free Data Recovery Software:

 If everything fails for you, try using data recovery software. Many data recovery software tools are available for free but there could be limit of data to be recovered. Earlier, we have posted on freeware data recovery tools,How to recover deleted files in Windows 7 and 8. You can use these data recovery tools in 3 different ways such as “Recover Deleted Files”, “Find Lost Data” and “Find Lost Drive”. Hiren’s BootCD:

“Hiren’s BootCD” software allows you to boot into version of Windows called MiniXP from the bootable CD or bootable flash drive and run diagnostic utilities on a problematic computer. To perform this, you will have to connect another drive to the machine such as an external hard drive or a USB flash drive so you can copy your recovered data to. Disk Drill For Mac:

One of the newest recovery apps for the Mac OS X platform allows you to download the Basic Edition for free which will let you to see a list of the files that you can recover. If the files you want to recover are detected, you can then purchase the Pro Edition and move forward with the recovery. Not Funny, But Try This:

 Place your Hard Drive in the Freezer to over a night but be sure to cover it in the plastic with good packing so that it does not get any water on it. It’s a nontraditional method that may allow you to recover files on your own. 

3 Ways To STOP Affiliate Link "Hijackers"

Let's face the facts!

Almost everyone online today is looking to make or save a buck any way they can. In the past, most of the people who clicked on your affiliate links used to purchase without a second thought... but, as times get tougher online, it seems a growing number won't!

As money gets tighter and product prices rise, people who know how to manipulate the system will sometimes replace your affiliate ID with theirs and "hijack" your commissions.

Here's an example:

Let's say your affiliate link is

Say the highjacker uses the affiliate ID of captain-hook. What he would do is replace your ID with his, and purchase from the URL

The bottom line: the hijacker puts your money in his pocket.

In other cases, they can't stand the thought of you "making money off them" so they bypass you by simply chopping off the end of your affiliate link that contains your ID.

Instead of purchaseing from, the bypasser will simply "chop off" the affiliate ID at the end and simply purchase from the plain URL --without your affiliate ID attached!

Either way, you get cheated out of your rightful commission.

To help you fight these affiliate link hijackers I offer a couple of my best (proven and battle tested) tips, which will at least confuse these "hijackers" and, in many cases, often defeat and disarm them completely.

Side Note: If someone really, really wants to steal your affiliate commission, they will find a way; however, most hijackers are just opportunists who will only act if they see an easy buck.

The first and cheapest way to hide your affiliate links is using a javascript redirect page. This is where you hide your affiliate link in a page on your site using a simple javascript that redirects people to your affiliate link.

It works great not to expose your "naked" affiliate link in your actual email messages and ezine ads, but, once people get redirected to the true affiliate link, many affiliate programs expose the affiliate link along with your ID in the browser address bar.

Here's an example of a redirect script in action. Click =>

Notice how the link takes you to a page where you can see my affiliate ID, ebookfire, in your web browser's address bar.

Like it or not, someone can replace my ID with theirs and "hijack" the commission... but at least the redirect script keeps them from immediately seeing my "naked" affiliate link ( when I publish it in my newsletter, email, or on my website.

You can get free redirect scripts just about anywhere you find free javascripts. Here is the script I use

A better way to hide your affiliate links is using a zero-frame or "invisible" frame that masks the affiliate link by making it appear you are sending people to a page on your website. In reality, you are actually sending them to your affiliate link.

This is the technique used by those "sub-domain" redirect services that provide you with urls like

While giving someone a link like that is much better than using a "naked" affiliate link such as, there is a problem. As soon as someone does a "view >> source" in their web browser they'll see your naked affiliate link plain as day... which instantly blows your cover!

Currently the best way to protect your affiliate commissions from ruthless hijackers is to use a combination of a zero- frame page along with URL encryption. This involves sending someone to URL that looks like a page on your site, but actually pulls in your affiliate link like those "sub- domain" services. However, there's one critical difference...

If someone does a "view >> source" in their browser, you have added protection in that all they will see is a jumble of computer code instead of your naked affiliate link.

Check out this example of a zero-frame with URL encryption in action. Click =>

Side Note: Beware of cloaking scripts that use javascript to mask your affiliate link because they could malfunction in some web browsers.

Here's the bottom line: if you are going to sell through other people's affiliate programs, never send a "naked" affiliate link... you're just asking for people to hijack or bypass you if you do.

If you want to get paid more often through your affiliate links, make sure it's not obvious you're referring people to an affiliate link. If they can't easily see how to hijack or bypass your link, a lot more people who would have taken the money out of your pocket will just go ahead and purchase through your link - which is, after all, the whole point! :-)
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