
Could Bing Ever Overtake Google in Search?

Preface: I'm pissed at Google. I don't buy the "protect searchers privacy" deal as the reason for moving all search to HTTPS and not providing us with the valued keyword data (while continuing to provide this to advertisers).
While at a Bing Ads event last week, an engineer pretty much confirmed my feelings ("doesn't make it any safer; you can still hack what's there," I was told; his feeling was that the move was purely for PR purposes).
I've been around long enough, too, to remember that Google wasn't always the number one search engine (I worked for Lycos "back in the day" and remember Alta Vista, HotBot, AOL, etc.). I know that things can change. And, it seems to me that Google's market share increased pretty significantly after they partnered to power AOL's search.
Um, Bing/Yahoo, anyone?
Do you think Bing will ever surpass Google in search? Well, before you say that it isn't possible, let's look at what it would take.

Where is Search Going in the Future?

If Bing were to lead the search engine market share over Google, the search landscape would be entirely different than what we see today. And it's clear that users would be accessing search in a different way.
 we learned about Google¹s "moonshot changes", which he broke down into these areas:
  • Knowledge Graph
  • Voice search
  • Conversational search
  • Google Now
  • Deep learning
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Foods high in vitamin C


If you chug a glass of orange juice every time you start sniffling, you may be onto something. Though studies show that consuming vitamin C can't actually prevent colds, loading up on the nutrient may help slightly shorten the length of time you're sick and reduce the severity of your symptoms. But despite their reputation for being loaded with vitamin C, the 69.7 mg that a medium orange provides is actually less than many other common fruits and veggies. To pack the ultimate vitamin C punch, fill up on these 12 superfoods.

Chili peppers

A half-cup of chopped or diced chili peppers delivers 107.8 mg of vitamin C. Plus, researchers from the University of Buffalo found that capsaicin, the compound that makes chili peppers hot, may help relieve joint and muscle pain. 

Red bell pepper

A cup of chopped red bell pepper contains nearly three times more vitamin C than an orange—190 mg. Red peppers are also a great source of vitamin A, which promotes eye health. 

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6 steps to Adsense Domination

When you make your living online, you realize the need for multiple streams of income. 

One of the easiest and most lucrative ways to generate a secondary income, which also happens to be passive, is via Google’s Adsense program. 

I’m sure you’ve read the claims of a few individuals generating five figure monthly incomes from Adsense. For many of you, I’m sure you are wondering why you aren’t making this same income yourself. 

Well, wonder no more. If you follow my simple six step system, you will be well on your way to healthy Adsense profits within three months. 

Are you ready? It’s now time to pay attention. 

Step 1 – Preparation. 

The key to making money with Adsense is all about numbers. BIG numbers! 

Sure, there are a few people making serious money with less than ten sites, but these are the exception. 

Your goal will be twenty-four sites in three months. That’s just TWO sites per week! 

In order to accomplish this, I recommend one of the many available page generation tools available today. 

Step 2 – Determine Your Markets. 

In order to maximize Adsense income with only twenty-four sites, you must know which markets are paying well. 

To break this down even further, you need to know which keywords within those markets are paying the most. 

Step 3 – Register you domains. 

Once you’ve identified and chosen your markets, you must register domains appropriate to those markets. For example, if your market is ‘Cabbage Patch Dolls’, a domain such as would be appropriate. 

Step 4 – Create your site. 

Using your favorite page generation software and keyword list, it’s time to develop your site. There are several key points to bear in mind when you develop these specifically for Adsense. 

1. Format – Always use the large 336x280 large rectangle. 
2. Border – Match the same color as your background. 
3. Background color - Border – Match the same color as your background. 
4. Link = "0000CC" 
5. Color_url = "999999" 
6. Color_text = "333333" 
7. Position – Far left or center and just above the page fold (Top 25% of site) 

Step 5 – Verify and track your site 

Visit your site and make sure all links work and that the sites appear to your satisfaction. You should also check out the ads Google is displaying. Are they targeted to your primary high paying keyword? If not, recreate your site using your high paying keyword in a higher density throughout your site. 

Make sure you track your Adsense format, position, and traffic with a tracking system specifically designed for Adsense. Once you know your stats, you can adjust for maximum clickthroughs and higher revenues. 

Step 6 – Get your site listed in the search engines. 

This is simple… no tricks involved. Simply rent links to your site. A PR7 or PR8 link will do the job. 

While I’ve simplified the process here, you are now armed with enough information and resources to make some serious money with Adsense. 

Make Money Quick With Google Adsense

Do you want to make money quick? In this article we are going to talk about one of the quickest ways you can make money. Making money quick is not only possible there are people doing it everyday with Google Adsense. 

Google AdSense delivers text and image ads that match the content on your website. These are very targeted ads that you can choose the size and color of and they come across to your customer as helpful more than an ad itself. 

Google Ads require virtually no maintenance and they help you put advertising on your website without actually having to deal with advertisers yourself. If you can copy and paste a small code you can have targeted advertising on your website in minutes. 

Adsense is simple to join and it is free to join. Whether you are an internet newbie or a veteran you can profit quickly by 
placing Google Adsense ads on your web pages. 

Since Google does all of the work by finding the most profitable ads for your pages you can do what you do best....provide good content and lots of it. The more web pages you create the quicker you will be making money. You can learn more here: 

Once you have joined Google Adsense you will want to combine Google search with AdSense to monetize more of your web pages. You can do this by placing a Google search box on your pages. Google AdSense combines Google's search technology with thousands of keyword advertisers to deliver targeted text-based ads to search result pages. People find these ads useful and click on them, and when they do, Google pays you. 

You can see an example of how this works right here on this web page. In fact we combine Google search and Google Adsense on almost every website and web pages we create. We have found it a very easy way to make money quick and to make money over and over. It's great. 

The internet offers many ways to make money quick. The nice thing about Google Adsense is you have the largest search engine in the world doing your advertising for you. This truely allows you to make money quickly and you can do it over and over with as many products as you want. 

Duaa Special Duaa's

Important Reminder

Muslims should get in the habit of remembering Allah in everything we do. In the following pages, readers will find the supplications (du'aas) for many different things. And who better to follow and learn from than our Holy Prophet (SAW). He (SAW) was the perfect role model because his actions and behavior were exemplary. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) always had the remembrance of Allah in thoughts, actions, and sayings. We, too, should try and emulate his (SAW) behavior by learning how to keep remembrance of Allah in our daily lives. Between the time we get up and the time we go to sleep, there is a du'a for almost every act of our lives. During the holy month of Ramadan, let us spend time memorizing these supplications to ensure that we are constantly thanking Allah for our multitude of blessings.

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