
Showing posts with label Google Vs Bing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Google Vs Bing. Show all posts

Could Bing Ever Overtake Google in Search?

Preface: I'm pissed at Google. I don't buy the "protect searchers privacy" deal as the reason for moving all search to HTTPS and not providing us with the valued keyword data (while continuing to provide this to advertisers).
While at a Bing Ads event last week, an engineer pretty much confirmed my feelings ("doesn't make it any safer; you can still hack what's there," I was told; his feeling was that the move was purely for PR purposes).
I've been around long enough, too, to remember that Google wasn't always the number one search engine (I worked for Lycos "back in the day" and remember Alta Vista, HotBot, AOL, etc.). I know that things can change. And, it seems to me that Google's market share increased pretty significantly after they partnered to power AOL's search.
Um, Bing/Yahoo, anyone?
Do you think Bing will ever surpass Google in search? Well, before you say that it isn't possible, let's look at what it would take.

Where is Search Going in the Future?

If Bing were to lead the search engine market share over Google, the search landscape would be entirely different than what we see today. And it's clear that users would be accessing search in a different way.
 we learned about Google¹s "moonshot changes", which he broke down into these areas:
  • Knowledge Graph
  • Voice search
  • Conversational search
  • Google Now
  • Deep learning
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