
★ Seven Qualities that Allah Loves ★

1. TAWBAH (Repentance)
"For Allah loves those who turn to Him constantly (in repentance)" [Surah Al Baqarah 2:222]

2. TAHARAH (Purification)
"Allah loves those who keep themselves pure and clean." [Surah Al Baqarah 2:222]

3. TAQWA (Piety)
"For Allah loves the righteous (the pious)." [Surah Al Tawbah 9:4]

4. IHSAN (Goodness & Perfection)
"For Allah loves those who do good" [Surah Ali 'Imran 3:134]

5. TAWAKKUL (Trust in Allah)
"For Allah loves those who put their trust (in Him)." [Surah Ali 'Imran 3:159]

6. ADL (Justice)
"For Allah loves those who judge in equity." [Surah Al Ma'idah 5:42] "For Allah loves those who are fair (and just)." [Surah Al Hujurat 49:9]

7. SABR (Patience)
"And Allah Loves those who are firm and steadfast (As-Sabirin (the patient))." [Surah Ali 'Imran 3:146]

Let,s grow into a better muslim

Bill Gates: Control-Alt-Delete was a mistake

Bill Gates has finally admitted the puzzling Control-Alt-Delete key combination used to access the login screen on personal computers was a mistake.

"It was a mistake," Gates, co-founder and former chairman of Microsoft, said during a recent appearance at Harvard University. "We could have had a single button, but the guy who did the IBM keyboard design didn't want to give us our single button.

“You want to have something you do with the keyboard that is signaling to a very low level of the software — actually hard-coded in the hardware — that it really is bringing in the operating system you expect, instead of just a funny piece of software that puts up a screen that looks like a login screen, and then it listens to your password and then it’s able to do that,” the billionaire software mogul explained. 

The odd combination was originally designed to reboot a PC, but it became part of PC folklore as a login prompt in early versions of Windows. The IBM PC that Gates helped develop was introduced in the fall of 1981.

Gates' admission came after years of debate over the origin of Control-Alt-Delete.

"Finally," Taylor Soper wrote on

In a 2001 interview marking the 20th anniversary of the IBM PC, David Bradley, the engineer who came up with the Control-Alt-Delete sequence, blamed the oddity on Gates.

"I may have invented it," Bradley said, "but Bill made it famous."

That left Gates "looking rather awkward" for more than a decade, said.

In 2011, Bradley said he still didn't know why Gates used the Control-Alt-Delete for the login screen.

“Why they used it for the login also, I don’t know,” Bradley told CNET. “I guess it made sense for them.”

While Windows 8 defaults to a new login screen, the Control-Alt-Delete requirement is still used in Windows XP and Windows 7, and it still works in Windows 8 as a shortcut for locking your PC or accessing the task manager.

Pillar Mountains

Spectacular Pillar Rocks Of Zhangjiajie |
Inspiration For Avatar's Floating Mountains

The Zhangjiajie National Forest Park or Hunan Zhangjiajie National Forest Park is a unique national forest park located in Zhangjiajie City in northern Hunan Province in the People's Republic of China. It is the China's first national park (4,810 hectares), it was then approved by the Ministry of Land and Resources as Zhangjiajie Sandstone Peak Forest National Geopark (3,600 km²) in 2001. In 2004, Zhangjiajie Geopark was listed as a UNESCO Global Geopark.
The unique and stunning geographic feature is the pillar-like rocks throughout the park. They are result of many years of erosion caused by ice. One of the park's quartz-sandstone pillars (3,544 foot) is the 'Southern Sky Column'. It is said that the Avatar film's director and production designers drew inspiration for the floating mountains from this pillar rocks. Recently, in January 2010, the 'Southern Sky Column' has been officially renamed as "Avatar Hallelujah Mountain" in honor of the film.

The Story of The Woman in Islam

Men and women have been made in multi-folds of love and kindness, and both are complementary to each other – just as Adam and Eve were.

Women Are The Lesser Gender.
They Have To Obey Their Fathers And Brothers,
And Then To Obey Their Husbands.
They Have Weaker Prospects To Education As To Their Careers.
They Also inherit Less And Their Testimonials Are Only Half Of Men. 
What is More, They Are Burdened With Their Monthly Menstrual Cycle, 
Pregnancy, Giving Birth, And That Horrendous Six Weeks Or So Of Post-partum Bleeding.
Therefore,Women Are Of Lesser Value Than Men.
It All Started in Jannat Adn, More Famously Known As 
“ The Gardens Of Eden” (via Mainstream Narrations),
When The Forbidden Fruit Was Consumed By The First Two Humans.
The Woman, in Particular,Was The Culprit.
She Had Fallen Prey To Satan And in Turn,
Seduced Her Husband, To Turn Away From Their Lord,
Apparently,  in Vain Plight Of immortality. Nevertheless,
Both Were Shamed, She Was Blamed, And The Two Were Banished Onto Earth.
Does That Story Sound Familiar ?  The Fall From Eden Rests Heavily Upon Her –
And All Of Her Kind OfCourse – They (The Women Of Earth) Are Always To Be
Seen As Cursed And Punished, Mostly Through The Pain And Suffering Of Childbirth –
And That is How it Has Always Been, And That is How it Will Always Be Probably. 
In Mainstream Beliefs, Women Are Often Seen As Seductresses,
The Adulteress (Despite Having A Man To Adulterate With),
The One Carrying The Burden Of Sin,  
And The One Who Should Endure The Severe Punishment .
And Unfortunately, Many Muslims Play Second Fiddle To These Beliefs, 
Despite The Fact That it Was Never Mentioned in The Quran.


Rember Me In UR Dua

Muhammad Tassaddaq


A Glass of Water

Assalam Alaikum WRWB


A Professor Began His Class  By Holding Up A Glass With Some Water in it.
He Held it Up For All To See, 
And Asked The Students : 
“ How Much Do You Think This Glass Weighs ? ”
 50 ml…100 ml…125 ml, 
Guessed The Students.
“ I Really Don’t Know Unless I Weigh it,” 
Said The Professor,
“ But,My Question is : 
What Would Happen if I Held it Up 
Like This For A Few Minutes ?
 "And He Stretched Out His Hand,
Holding The Glass, Up Over His Head.‘ Nothing.
’ The Students Said. ‘Ok, What Would Happen 
if I Held it Up Like This For An Hour ? 
The Professor Asked. 
Your Arm Would Begin To Ache’ 
Said One Of The Student.You’re Right , 
Now What Would Happen if I Held it For A Day ? 
Your Arm Could Go Numb ;
You Could Have Severe Muscle Stress And Paralysis ,
 And You May Have To Go To Hospital.
Ventured Another Student ,
As The Rest Of The Class Laughed.
Very Good ! 
But During All This, Did The Weight Of The Glass Change ? 
Asked The Professor.
‘ No.' Was The Answer.
Then What Caused The Arm Ache 
And The Muscle Stress ? 
The Students Were Puzzled.
What Should I Do Now To Come Out Of Pain?
 Asked Professor Again.
Put The Glass Down ! 
Said One Of The Students.
Exactly ! Said The Professor. 
Life’s Problems Are Like That Cup Of Water, 
Each A Drop in Your Cup.
Hold it For A Few Minutes in Your Head
 And They Seem All Right, Bearable. 
But Carry Them Long Enough 
in Your Mind And They Begin To Ache, 
And Then To injure. 
Hold it Even Longer And 
They Begin To Paralyze You. 
You Will Not Be Able To Do Anything, 
To Move On Or Solve Other Problems. 
It’s important To Think Of The Challenges 
Or Problems in Your Life, 
But Even More important is To Know 
That it's Ok To Put Them Down
 For A While And Only Think Of Them Here And There, 
Or At The End Of Every Day 
Before You Go To Sleep.
This is The Way To Reduce Stress, 
To Go Through Your Day 
With More Energy in Your Veins,
 Because The Problems You Carry 
Around Drag You Back And Slows You Down. 
When You Let Yourself  Be More Free, 
You Can Handle Any issue,
 Any Challenge That Comes Your Way.
So Remember...
When You Start Your Day Today,
 Remember To Put That Glass Down. 
It'll Be There, 
Just Where You Left it,
 But You Don't Have To Carry it Around All Day. 
You Really Don't

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