
5 Points To Remember While Placing Or Accepting A Link Excha

All we webmasters know the importance and procedure to exchange links. We are on the job all the time. There are some very important points that we overlook or are ignorant about, which affect our ranking in a big way. When we are working hard, we might as well be doing it in the right direction.

The first important factor- I will start with a problem everyone can relate to. That we have to keep going back to all the sites we have exchanged links with, to check if our link is still there or ahs been removed intentionally or otherwise. It’s a big waste of time. We should consider subscribing to the software, which automates the process to an extent and gives us intimation if someone removes our link from their site. It saves us from a major headache forever. It’s the first thing one should invest in as and when budget permits.

Point Two: Always accept and request link exchange with sites with a similar theme as yours. Google and other Search Engine Robots give a lot of weight to relevancy. If your site is dedicated to online education’s theme, don’t encourage pharmaceutical links. It may not help.

Point Three: If you are placing a link exchange request or accepting one with a site which is not related to the main theme of your site or is indirectly related to it, in such a case make sure that these sites have special pages and categories related to your theme. And also make sure they have placed your link on these pages. Likewise, you should also have pages which have links pertaining to their theme. Mixed-Miscellaneous kind of a page helps none. Gambling link on Pharmacy page – who will it benefit? What kind of target audience do you think will visit this kind of a page?

Point Four: When you send link details (i.e. URL, Anchor Text and Description) make sure your anchor tag has your main keywords in it. If your link can be placed on a page which has at least one of your keywords in their Title Tag and Keywords, it works best. This kind of a page will move up the search engine faster. And so will your site.

Point Five: Three way linking is acceptable. The best way to get one way liking without paying for it is through articles. Write articles and submit them to Article banks, and sites dedicated to articles exclusively. When people use your content they give you credit for it by placing your link on their site. This works like magic if done in the right manner.

Keep these five points in mind while exchanging links. These are small things which webmasters don’t bother about. Not realizing these small things can make a big difference. As webmasters, who are serious about making money online or doing home business let us not ignore it.

5 Pillars To A Successful Home Business.


Generally, people who make it big have one thing in common—they are dissatisfied with the status quo. They will not take what is “common” or “expected” and let that define their lives—they move past it and excel. You must work hard and hustle.

- Character:

Someone coined the phrase, “character is what you do in the dark.” In other words, when no one is looking, will you behave differently than if someone was looking? If not, then you have character. If you are attacked, be tough—not hard. Don’t be a pushover, but be compassionate, gentle, and flexible—especially on procedure (not principle).

- Risk Taking:
This isn’t gambling, it’s a willingness to be bold, hearty, and to push forward. People who refuse to take risks are definitely going to lose. If you refuse a new promotion because you’re not confident of your skills, you will likely be passed over when a different chance arrives.

Don’t be afraid of rejection, just take it as part of life and you’ll find there’s nothing to be afraid of—especially in the word “no.” “No” is just another opportunity to find a way around an obstacle and to use creative problem-solving skills.

- Time Management:

We all know that one minute has 60 seconds and that one hour has 60 minutes. One day has 24 hours, and one year has 365 days. But one year also has 525,600 minutes. We don’t think about a year in such small increments, but maybe we should.

We waste minutes as if they’ll always be around, and the fact is that time wasted is time we can never get back. We might miss a deal or promotion of a lifetime by wasting just a few minutes.

Proper time management is essential as you climb to success. Continue to break goals down in to manageable chunks—do that with relation to your day and the time you’ve been given. You’ll accomplish far more this way and you won’t regret using your time wisely.

- Master Non-Verbal Communication:

It is said that our body language and facial expressions do much more communicating than our words will ever do. When the words that you speak don’t match the expressions on your face or the stance of your body, you confuse the listener and muddle your message.

Be aware that when you try to “multi-task,” you often end up short-changing something, and the last thing you want is to short-change people. Don’t try to do too much at once—your willingness to do this tells people they aren’t important, even if you’re expressing your appreciation of their work and effort.

Be aware of what message your body is sending off!

5 Instant Income Streams That No One Knows About

Something truly dramatic has happened over the past couple of decades. The world has made a transition from the industrial age to the information age, and the income rules that used to apply a few decades ago have now been blown apart. Possibly the biggest myth in personal wealth creation today is that you should focus on one thing for your income. We are all trained into believing that in order to be successful you need to train in a chosen profession. Then get a "good job" within that industry and slog your way up the corporate ladder. In other words we are all programmed to compete and succeed at the rat race by our parents, the school system and our peers. The simple truth however is that very few people gain either happiness or financial stability by using this cruel, tired old formula. And whichever way you look at it, the problem with the rat race is that even if you win, you're still just a rat.

If you wish to gain happiness and financial independence then you need to find new income sources and this insiders report will help you do just that. I am not advising that you rush to work tomorrow, throw hot coffee at your boss's face while quitting to start up new ventures – everything takes time. But you should certainly consider using a wide number of different methods to provide income streams for you. Do not fall into the trap of depending on one source of income for your livelihood. Look around and you will discover that there are hundreds of different and very feasible ways of making money. The key is to educate yourself and then take action.

So what are the five income streams that you can set-up immediately to earn a constant stream of income? We'll look at these one by one:

(1) Arbitrage – Do you know that the internet age has resulted in thousands of online bookmakers all competing for your money? Now if you are not a gambling man do not worry because arbitrage is an investment concept that can be used to derive a guaranteed 5% to 20%+ profit within a few hours with no possible chance of losing your original cash. How is this possible? Well online bookmakers often have huge differences in opinion on the same sporting events – this creates some incredible anomalies in the way that certain sporting events are priced between different bookmakers. This is great news for us because everyday these anomalies allow us to invest money on all sides of a sporting event so that no matter who wins/loses/draws we can walk away with a risk free and guaranteed profit. These arbitrage opportunities are present many hundreds of times each week and the beautiful part is that you can find them in as little as five minutes per day once you know how. This is one of the least known and used income sources around and one that you should certainly set-up and profit from.

(2) Recycling Cell Phones For Profits – Last year over 100 million cell phones were replaced. Only a tiny fraction of those were recycled. Many end up tossed away at the bottom of peoples attics, or are simply thrown away. Did you know that each old cell phone is worth up to $70 (although on average this is closer to the $20 mark)? Cell phones are a multi-billion dollar business and that trend is growing on a global level – governments are beginning to offer incentives for those who are willing to recycle their phones and recycling companies are now setting up and offering a decent level of cash per phone that they receive. As an individual there are some very powerful ways of collecting hundreds of phones per week and selling these on for some monster profits. The start up costs are practically zero and this is a business you can operate from home.

(3) Importing Goods From India And China – If you want a very solid, profitable and enjoyable work-from-home business then this is it. Some of the most popular goods cost a fraction of the cost that they are available for in UK/USA/Europe – for example I regularly have access to top quality items from India that cost me 95% less per item than in the UK. One of the best things about importing for profits is that once you setup a product and find a supplier, you have secured an income stream that lasts, often, for years into the future. There are literally MILLIONS of products that can be imported profitably into your home country – finding suppliers is not very difficult and you can boost your income further by selling them on auction sites such as ebay. There are also other benefits when you operate an import/export business from home – you can write off travel expenses against profits and the set-up costs are actually very low. Get involved today.

(4) Reselling Works In The Public Domain – Have you heard of the public domain? Maybe. Did you know that there are literally millions of books, videos, plays, courses, music and more that exist within the public domain that you can legally take, brand as your own and sell to keep 100% of the profits? Did you know that there are online sites that actually GIVE you text documents of public domain works – you just download the document and you're ready to repackage it into your own product. Not a lot of people know that Walt Disney created the Disney empire out of a story that he found on the public domain – it is simply a treasure trove of cash waiting to be discovered.

(5) Ebay – I know it is hardly "unknown" but it really had to be mentioned - If you have not ventured into this incredible opportunity, you really ought to. Receiving over 1.5 billion page views a month and 9000 new customers everyday, ebay is a seller's dream. No matter what you wish to sell, there is a purchaseer waiting for you on ebay. There are powersellers who are making $100,000 and more per year with ebay – and if they can do it the simple fact is so can you. Simple, addictive and fun you should setup your ebay income stream today.

So there you have it – five instant income streams that you can setup today to earn an immediate online income with little or no capital. Now that you know about them the next (and most important) step is to actually start (something that sadly 95% of the readers statistically will not do). Remember, that once you set-up a new income stream it will derive cash for you years (if not decades) into the future. Don't be lazy – get started today!

4 Tips to Responsible Gaming with UK Online Casinos

Gaming in online casinos can be a lot of fun and can potentially bring in profit. However, online gaming in casinos loses it’s fun when players don’t gamble responsibly. Here are a few tips that can help anyone who currently plays at online casinos, or is thinking about playing.

1. It is important to set boundaries for yourself. Decide on loss limits and time limits. Setting aside a certain amount of money that you are willing to part with is very beneficial. Players who don’t set aside certain amounts of money can fall into the trap of gambling to try to win back money. For example, if someone is down 100 dollars, than he or she may try to wager 100 dollars in order to make up for it. However, this often backfires and he or she ends up down 200 dollars. This can easily snowball. Time limits are also important. Too much gaming in online casinos can lead to “burnout.” For this reason, it is important to set time limits for yourself.

2. Be smart about where your gaming money comes from. Gaming money should only be taken from money set aside for entertainment. Money that is needed for everyday expenses should never be used in online casinos. Additionally, you should never borrow money in order to gamble. If you are borrowing money, then that is a pretty good sign that you shouldn’t be gambling in the first place.

3. Manage your time wisely. It is always a good idea to take breaks and do other activities in between gaming. Some people wake up in the morning and game all day. This could not be more hazardous. Playing for a little in the morning, and then going throughout the rest of your day, and playing again at night is a good example of how to balance gaming time. Taking frequent breaks can also potentially increase your success. Some players get tired and make mistakes. However, when gaming, keeping your mind fresh and loose can be extremely beneficial.

4. Finally, and most importantly, have fun. The second that you stop having fun while gaming, you should stop. Gaming is supposed to be fun. You are taking chances, thinking, meeting new people, and potentially making some money. When you find yourself struggling to have a good time, then you should call it a day.
Gaming can be a lot of fun, and if you follow these tips you will have a rewarding experience. Never put gaming before other important things in life, and always be responsible. People who have the most success in online casinos avoid burnout and enjoy themselves the entire time.

1-800-Get-Rich Can Toll Free 800 Number Domains Pay Off?

The toll free number 1-800-Get-Rich belongs to the Resorts Casino Hotel in Atlantic City. Perfect vanity number for a casino, right? Well apparently not. Their website shows the actual numbers, 1-800-438-7424 for the marketing department of Resorts Atlantic City. Those NUMBERS are nowhere near as memorable as is the mnemonic device of letters representing those numbers on the telephone keypad. It makes you wonder, did the casino have bad luck (no pun intended) or receive bad publicity for their 800-Get-Rich phone number?

Doing a Google search for 1-800-GET-RICH returns several spoof articles using the toll free number to make light of get rich quick schemes. Seems as well suited to a casino as to satire, since gambling represents the ultimate get rich quick scheme.

But on the web there's a another element to toll free numbers you must consider. 800 numbers are used as domain names which seem to stick in our memory as a web address just as well as a phone number. Resorts Atlantic City Hotel Casino should purchase the domain name and assign that marketing department toll free 800 vanity number to the Casino.

The domain name is for sale as of this writing if you visit that web address. You can be certain that the current domain owner knows that the toll free vanity telephone number is owned by Resorts International Hotels which matches the domain It has to be enticing to think a large corporation may want his domain.

The casino owns the toll free number but isn't using the mnemonic for it. Makes you wonder about the history of the domain name, since WHOIS records show it was reserved only this past May of 2004, AND the history of the vanity number since it is going unused, at least on the web site. Hmmmm...

There are vanity phone number resellers online that actually specialize in providing 800 numbers with matching domain name for those seeking the consistent branding for their business. Clearly this is simply a marketing ploy by savvy 800 number vendors, as those domains may be full of hyphens and may cost more than they should due to the perception of value-added.

An interesting aspect to toll free numbers as domain names is that of 1-800 copyright and trademarks. Take for example, the well known flower retailer where they use both the domain name and the toll free number. Both are copy- righted and trademarked names and essential to the business.

Legal precedent allows trademark owners to confiscate domains from "cybersquatters" who purchase domain names containing trade- marked or copyrighted words and phrases hoping to sell that domain back to the trademark holder. But it is less clear an issue when it comes to descriptive toll free and vanity phone numbers. How about - which you would think would be registered to Sprint Communications? Curiously, as of October of 2004, this domain was available. What do they use? (without the 800) goes to

It appears there are wide inconsistencies in using toll free 800 phone numbers as domain names but they can be memorable, which is one measure of a good domain name. They also aren't limiting as to word length. I've always felt it's a bit odd to type in as a domain name, but only because there is no hyphen in it. 1800 looks like eighteen hundred and is just as strange as typing 247 for domains as a suggestion they are always open, more often seen as 24/7, but domain names can't have that slash mark in them.

As a matter of fact, I've always disliked numbers of any kind in domain names - especially those using numbers in place of the words "to" ( "for" ( But, as owner of I'm at odds with the dislike for numbers in domain names. Still, it works better than or, both owned by Verio Web Hosting and both purchased in August of 1996, but neither have web sites configured at those addresses. They must not have been a worthwhile domains, yet they keep them.

If it offers you another option for a memorable web address, 800 number domains may be worth considering.

Mike Valentine operates WebSite101 domain name tutorial
Free domain lookup tool to find out who owns domain names at
This article written for 800 Numbers Toll Free
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