
Winning in the Global Economy - Will You be a Victim or Victor?

If you’re still playing by the “How to Achieve the American Dream” rules of your father and grandfather, then:

1. You’ve been downsized out of one or more jobs.

2. You company merged with corporation ABC and you’ve been rightsized out of a job to reap the “synergies” of the merger.

3. You’ve trained your replacement in Bangalore prior to your job being outsourced.

4. You’re working 60 to 80 hour per week and getting paid for 40 hours out of fear of either 1), 2), or 3) above.

5. You’re working under contract and think you’re an entrepreneur or a “consultant”, but you’re really just an “employee without health benefits”.

6. You’re recently retired from a large corporation with a “secure” pension that’s about to be decimated (defaulted to the federal government) so your former employer can continue to compete in the global economy.

The job churn I’ve just described is not just about globalization, however globalization and a digital world with high bandwidth has altered the playing field in corporate america and labor is now a commodity that can and will be acquired anywhere in the world. That either means off-shoring production and even R&D to places like Mexico or China, or digitally outsourcing high skilled jobs like software development to India.

You could argue that not every job is pressured by globalization and you’d be right. There are about 50 million private-sector workers (nurses, truckers, supermarket and other retail clerks, hotel and restaurant employees, construction workers, janitors, security guards, etc.) whose jobs can't be shipped to Beijing or Calcutta. However, these are not the high paying jobs you and I are talking about. The hard fact is that for more and more highly trained and skilled workers the labor pool is now global and you’re competing for work with a newly minted accountant, MBA, software engineer, or physics Ph.D. from India, Singapore, the former Soviet block, or China.

In the last fifteen years the global workforce has doubled in large part due to the embrace of market capitalism by India, China, the countries of the ex-Soviet Union. In addition, U.S. technical dominance and its share of science and engineering graduates at all degree levels is declining rapidly. In 1970 over half of world’s the science and engineering doctorates were granted in the U.S. Today, the European Union has already surpassed the U.S. and projections for 2010 show the EU producing twice as many science and engineering doctorates as the U.S. and if current trends continue, China will actually surpass the U.S. Bottom line, more justification for U.S. Corporations to move R&D and other science and engineering functions offshore.

So what are your choices? You might decide that you’re powerless and blame corporate greed and hope the government or “someone” will step in to protect your “sovereign right” to a high paying job. After all, you did all the right things, got that great education, made good grades, and worked hard. Well for one, corporations are not being greedy they are just seeking the lowest cost of doing business and competing as well as they can. If that is no longer in the best interests of the their “county of origin” labor pool, that is not their problem. Their allegiance is to the shareholder, that is how they are structured and financed. Think the government with save you? Think again, corporations accounted for a huge amount of the funds raised in the last election cycle and therefore own a good deal of political capital. Besides that, globalization in the long run is good for the world economy and for our long-term prospects of peace and prosperity. However, in the near term it’s going to be painful transition unless you wake up to the fact the the ground has shifted and you have to find a new way to achieve Your American Dream.

MBA basics

The MBA is perhaps the most coveted course in today’s world. This course tops the list of courses almost in all the developed and developing countries across the globe. The enthusiasm for the course has brought in many small private institutes etc. to offer this course. However, only those students who have obtained the MBA degree from some recognized eminent university find the best of placements. So the institute or the university is the first factor for a successful career in this field. This article will educate you about the various issues like finance, strategy to study, interview etc. related to choosing MBA as a profession.

• In today’s competitive world there are no shortcuts. The student willing to take admission in one of the best institutes either in Asia or abroad, need to study hard and get the good grades. 3.0 to 4.0 are the minimum grades required at the undergraduate grade point average (GPA).

• Most of the MBA schools or colleges adjudicate the caliber of the student via the GMAT or The Graduate Management Admissions Test exam. This test is to estimate the individual’s knowledge of English, Math and Analytical writing skills. The verbal or English section comprises of 41 questions to be answered within 75 minutes. The questions like correcting the hidden grammatical mistakes etc. The Math section has 37 questions and same 75 minutes. Questions are on various mathematical topics like percentage, ratio and so forth. The writing analysis is based on writing two essays on different issues.

• The school and university depend on the grades that you get in the exam. Good grades will fetch you a deemed university while poor ones may not.

• MBA programs are full time and part time and within this program there are many choices. Like you can take up finance management, HR, etc. it is at the discretion of the student to decide which course to go for.

• Once you have made a preference for the course, the time comes to look at the fee structure. Usually the MBA schools charge a high fee which is not within the reach of students. In this case they look for other financial aids. Many schools offer scholarships, grants etc. that can be looked up to. Else the loan facility is always available. The loan providing banks and companies also consider the grades and the institution that recommends the name of the student. The successful schools are known for producing productive students who can repay the loan conveniently with their salaries.

The FAFSA or the Free Application for Federal Students, loan offered by the federal government is doing remarkable job in this area. However, due to the popularity of the loan, the application should be sent as soon as possible.

• Many MBA schools ask for recommendation letters. This is in order to justify a student’s authenticity. In this case the letter should be taken by an honored and known authority whose recommendation lifts your name in the eyes of its seekers.

• The school life is followed by hunt for a job. If you have passed from a top most school, job is not an issue; still you need to be prepared to win your contenders. When going for an interview wear decent clothes that are not too jazzy and funky and colorful. Practice properly with a friend or family member before the day of interview. Don’t forget to take a copy of resume and cover letter along with your certificates. You need to be familiar with each and every word of your resume and cover letter. Don’t be nervous and maintain a calm composure. Try replying in a prudent manner to all their questions. Even if you make a mistake, don’t let it affect your rest of the answers and your attitude.

Avoiding Home Business Failures

It’s been said that 80% of all small business dies within the first 3 years. And the rest are somehow struggling along with meager revenues. Only a handful is successful. Home based business has an even shorter lifespan. Every enthusiastic home based venture starts out with a big promise, a lot of excitement and enthusiasm.

However at the first signs of trouble or a slow take off the people become panicky. Having been accustomed to regular pay check, when the money does not roll in week after week and the bank balance hits the low digits, there is a sense of panic and the exciting home business gets trashed.

My own experience tells me this happens just when you are through with organizing, setting up and the difficult transition period of reaching out to the customers, you decide to wind up the business in favor of a job.

Now here are a few tips to persevere and make a success of your home business.

Plan in advance your finances for running your family for a minimum period of 6 months.

Plan every aspect of your business – right from creating the product to final shipments - on paper. Don’t leave out anything. This is what is called a business plan. Make it elaborate and group each aspect under a heading and subheading.

Home workers need to set a disciplined work schedule. Having no bosses around or compulsions of commuting may make you take things easy and relaxed. At least for the first 6 month work as if you are in employment and put in the required hours. You can relax and cut down on working hours when you start earning enough.

Don’t procrastinate or put things off for tomorrow. Action is one major ingredient for success. If you need to do something do it today. Do it now.

It is essential to keep your motivation high. Read about the success of other small business and home business owners and learn what they did right. Duplicating someone else who has succeeded makes it easy to succeed yourself.

You may suddenly find yourself alone without the social support of colleagues and friends. Even persons you considered your best friends may avoid you if they feel you are in trouble. That is OK. You get to know who’s who in times of adversity. Learn to depend on yourself than outside support.

Be prepared to take the temporary pain and denials. Robert Kiyosaki of ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad’ fame and his wife slept in their car for a few months and lived in a basement of a friends house for many more months to achieve what they set out - their financial freedom.

Believe in yourself and keep going even if the going gets tough. The rewards far outweigh the pains and temporary sufferings. Remember the darkest hour is just before the dawn breaks out and sun rises.

All About Stock Market

A stock market simulation game is a great way to practice your investment skills before actually investing any "real" money in the stock market.

Simulation games are usually played on the internet, where people can experience the thrill of investing in the stock market without any risks, costs or any fear of losing money when and if they make a poor investment decision.

Many teachers and professors of banking and finance are now using stock market simulation games to teach their students about the rudiments of investing in stocks. Most stock market simulation games come with a fee to get started, but there are some that are free of any charge. One does not need have prior knowledge about the stock market to join.

This is how stock market simulation games usually work:

First, players must register. After registration, players are given an initial sum of "virtual" money to invest in companies of their choice. Players build a portfolio of stocks by purchaseing and selling shares in companies. Most stock market simulation games use real-time market data.

The objective of most stock market simulation games is simple:

To increase the value of your portfolio of stocks so that it is greater than that of the other game players.

Below are some tips on choosing a stock market simulation game:

• Choose a stock market simulation game that is used and recommended by reputable colleges, high schools, middle school, investment clubs, brokers in training, corporate education courses and any other group of individuals studying markets in the U.S. and worldwide.

• Choose a stock market simulation game that is comprehensive and easy to implement in any Finance, Economics, or Investments class. A good stock market simulation game should feature trading of stocks, options, futures, mutual funds, bonds from the U.S. and many of the world's major markets.

• Choose a stock market simulation game that provides a valuable, reliable, and realistic trading simulation at a reasonable price to members and other individuals who are interested in learning more about investing and trading. The simulation game should also have some capability for testing a variety for investment strategies.

• Choose a stock market simulation game that has a toll-free customer service phone number and excellent e-mail support for members. The support function should be able to quickly answer any questions that members/players may have.

• Choose a stock market simulation game that is easy to use and easy to teach even to those who have never had any real hands-on investment experience.

Do you want to be thinner, healthy and fit?

While we offer an effective and natural fat loss product – the Jen Fe Next Fat Loss Patch and the Power Patch, we also know that without a commitment from you to bring about some lifestyle changes, you won’t reach optimal fat loss. There is no product in the world that can produce fat loss while we are eating and drinking excessively, and moving only slowly from couch to car to office chair. We need a program of sensible diet and exercise that will support the products we utilize to help our weight loss.
Here’s what to eat:

1. Lots of vegetables and fruits

2. Increase healthy protein intake. This is how you build lean muscle tissue, which in turn speeds up your metabolism. Examples are fish, lean meats, low-fat dairy products, beans, and soy products.

3. Fiber-Rich foods. They will fill up and they make they are satisfying. In this category are: peas, beans, bran cereals, potato skins, nuts and seeds, oatmeal, bulger wheat, 100% whole wheat baked goods, fruits and vegetables.

4. Minerals. Calcium and other minerals are you “secret weapons” against body fat. They are found in low-fat dairy products, small or canned fish, soy tofu, green vegetables, nuts, seeds, bran cereals, and calcium fortified orange juice, and avoid processed, salt-loaded foods.

5. Eat fish and beneficial fats. Omega-3 unsaturated fatty acid in some fish, oils and nuts is a good fat. Eat moderate amounts of salmon, herring, mackerel, sardines and other oily fish. Soybeans, nuts, pumpkin seed are also excellent sources for Omega-3.

6. Reduce harmful fats – saturated and trans fats. These are not only high in calories; they are also loaded with harmful fatty acids that cause disease.

7. Always eat an adequate breakfast for several reasons: it will speed up your metabolism earlier in the day and when you skip breakfast, it makes it harder to control your appetite later in the day.

8. Cut back or eliminate alcohol. It is high in non-filling calories. Ideal consumption is one glass of beer or wine a day.

9. Stay away from junk carbohydrates – sugar and white flour are diet killers in all but the smallest amounts.

10. Gradually reduce your calorie intake because extreme and sudden dieting causes your body to conserve, not burn calories, and it slows fat loss.

11. Snack instead of eating large meals – larger, higher calorie meals tend to be stored as fat, instead of burned for energy. Ideally, you should eat five or six smaller, nutritious snacks each day instead of large meals.

12. Move! You must exercise to build lean tissue that burns fat. As little as two to three hours per week of brisk walking at minimum, and you will notice a major impact on your weight loss.

13. Reduce stress. It produces adverse fat-producing chemistry in your body. Try warm baths, meditation, deep breathing, stretching, massage, prayer and rest.

14. Get outside into the sunshine at lest 20 minutes per day – the vitamin D you get from sunshine works with calcium for health and body fat control.

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