
3 Ways To STOP Affiliate Link "Hijackers"

Let's face the facts!

Almost everyone online today is looking to make or save a buck any way they can. In the past, most of the people who clicked on your affiliate links used to purchase without a second thought... but, as times get tougher online, it seems a growing number won't!

As money gets tighter and product prices rise, people who know how to manipulate the system will sometimes replace your affiliate ID with theirs and "hijack" your commissions.

Here's an example:

Let's say your affiliate link is

Say the highjacker uses the affiliate ID of captain-hook. What he would do is replace your ID with his, and purchase from the URL

The bottom line: the hijacker puts your money in his pocket.

In other cases, they can't stand the thought of you "making money off them" so they bypass you by simply chopping off the end of your affiliate link that contains your ID.

Instead of purchaseing from, the bypasser will simply "chop off" the affiliate ID at the end and simply purchase from the plain URL --without your affiliate ID attached!

Either way, you get cheated out of your rightful commission.

To help you fight these affiliate link hijackers I offer a couple of my best (proven and battle tested) tips, which will at least confuse these "hijackers" and, in many cases, often defeat and disarm them completely.

Side Note: If someone really, really wants to steal your affiliate commission, they will find a way; however, most hijackers are just opportunists who will only act if they see an easy buck.

The first and cheapest way to hide your affiliate links is using a javascript redirect page. This is where you hide your affiliate link in a page on your site using a simple javascript that redirects people to your affiliate link.

It works great not to expose your "naked" affiliate link in your actual email messages and ezine ads, but, once people get redirected to the true affiliate link, many affiliate programs expose the affiliate link along with your ID in the browser address bar.

Here's an example of a redirect script in action. Click =>

Notice how the link takes you to a page where you can see my affiliate ID, ebookfire, in your web browser's address bar.

Like it or not, someone can replace my ID with theirs and "hijack" the commission... but at least the redirect script keeps them from immediately seeing my "naked" affiliate link ( when I publish it in my newsletter, email, or on my website.

You can get free redirect scripts just about anywhere you find free javascripts. Here is the script I use

A better way to hide your affiliate links is using a zero-frame or "invisible" frame that masks the affiliate link by making it appear you are sending people to a page on your website. In reality, you are actually sending them to your affiliate link.

This is the technique used by those "sub-domain" redirect services that provide you with urls like

While giving someone a link like that is much better than using a "naked" affiliate link such as, there is a problem. As soon as someone does a "view >> source" in their web browser they'll see your naked affiliate link plain as day... which instantly blows your cover!

Currently the best way to protect your affiliate commissions from ruthless hijackers is to use a combination of a zero- frame page along with URL encryption. This involves sending someone to URL that looks like a page on your site, but actually pulls in your affiliate link like those "sub- domain" services. However, there's one critical difference...

If someone does a "view >> source" in their browser, you have added protection in that all they will see is a jumble of computer code instead of your naked affiliate link.

Check out this example of a zero-frame with URL encryption in action. Click =>

Side Note: Beware of cloaking scripts that use javascript to mask your affiliate link because they could malfunction in some web browsers.

Here's the bottom line: if you are going to sell through other people's affiliate programs, never send a "naked" affiliate link... you're just asking for people to hijack or bypass you if you do.

If you want to get paid more often through your affiliate links, make sure it's not obvious you're referring people to an affiliate link. If they can't easily see how to hijack or bypass your link, a lot more people who would have taken the money out of your pocket will just go ahead and purchase through your link - which is, after all, the whole point! :-)

How to create your own streaming audio with a few simple clicks.

Discover right now how to quickly and easily create "streaming audio" like a pro and make your web site stand out from the crowd ... for just cents on the dollar!

Streaming Audio has always been available to the large corporate sites and techies. Now you can use the MP3 Sound Stream software to produce your own streaming audio just like the professionals with no knowledge of programming required.

A Message from MP3 Sound Stream

Best of all no monthly fees or additional costs....

With the web surfer becoming much more "web savvy" than they were a year ago, they are expecting not only information but an entertaining web experience.

You do not need any technical ability. Our program is so easy to use that anyone can add streaming audio to their website and stand out from the crowd.

Marketers and business people have always known that a well-placed audio stream can increase sales and signups to their products and services. The problem has always been that the average person could not afford the high cost of special servers or programmers to be able to use this technology.

This has all changed with MP3 Sound Stream

With a few clicks, you’ll be able to create an unlimited number of streaming audio files….. and instantly upload them to your Website/s. Host them on your own server - you're in full control.

Most other programs will require you to create the streaming audio file yourself. This however is the hardest part of streaming audio and MP3 Sound Stream is one of the few software programs that will take your audio file and compress it into a streaming audio format for you. Download the trial copy and try it for yourself and see how it works.

So why don't you click here to order now?

MP3 Sound Stream will help you establish credibility to your site visitors.

No more plug-ins for your visitors to download. Just click and listen!

MP3 Sound Stream is so simple to install on your computer and add audio to your web pages. We can provide you with a complete a set of tutorials for full, easy-to-follow step-by-step instructions. It's as easy as 1-2-3 with MP3 Sound Stream software. (Download a free fully functional demo.)

You've seen them on web sites, you've heard them and thought to yourself, "Wow! This is really professional! I wish I could have something like this on my web page!" It's always been too expensive or too hard or too inaccessible... until now.

So what are you waiting for? Click here to order now!

Streaming Audio even over a modem connection!
Produce as many files as you like.
Host them on your own server - you're in control.
Greatly reduce the size of your audio file.
Streams over most modem connections
Easy to use interface
Added components for more variety
Pay only once instead of a monthly service
Receive our Streaming Audio workshop with your purchase.

Create up to 4 1/2 hour audio messages, MP3 Sound Stream is designed to play the moment you click the “Play Button” … even if you’re on dial-up.

Creates Streaming Audio In 4 Simple Steps By now you realize how easy it can be to boost your sales or highlight your service or products by harnessing the selling power of the human voice on your Website.

This remarkable breakthrough in Internet marketing technology instantly injects the power of the human voice into your Websites and emails … even if you have no technological skills whatsoever.

All that’s required is these 4 steps:

How To Make Your Websites Talk
STEP 1 - Choose or create your own mp3 or wav file.
STEP 2 - Decide what Options you want! (Graphic of Software interface --->)
STEP 3 - Copy and paste text into your web page!
STEP 4 - Click go! Upload to your website.

Video Tutorials Create the audio
Embed and Upload

For the busy webmaster who doesn't have a lot of time on their hands, MP3 Sound Stream is the solution to creating audio files and codes in an instant. Just enter the sound file name, choose the options and select the controllers and colours to use. Easy!

So are you ready to click here and order now?

Fully customize with the controller buttons

MP3 Sound Stream not only allows you to produce excellent quality streaming audio, the program will also provide you with over a hundred different buttons to attach to that file. This allows for a personalized look and fit for your website. We started with 65 that come with the program and we have added 3 new sets you can download free. Have a look at the standard ones now.

6 uses for Streaming Audio

1) Musicians - One of the greatest problems musicians have is a way to present their music. Rather than offering a few songs why not create a mini radio show with highlights of each song with some commentary. Mp3 Sound Stream lets you stream music with ease.

2) Create Products – Many people do interviews or can use the phone to ring some one special. Why not record these and create a product. Ready to click here and order yet?

3) Personal – Create audio cards for special occasions. Christmas, birthdays or just say high to mum and dad on the other side of the world!

4) Ezines - With many servers prohibiting long emails, ezine owners are posting their newsletters online and just sending a link. This enables you to add interviews, testimonies, music and so much more.

5.) Training - Coaching is on the rise and it is so easy to produce a coaching audio to teach people about your product, encourage team members, network marketing training. Colleges can record lectures, churches can record sermons and they can all be streamed over the internet using MP3 Sound Stream.

6.) Marketing - Marketers and business people have always known that a well-placed audio stream can increase sales and signups to their products and services. The problem has always been that the average person could not afford the high cost of special servers or programmers to be able to use this technology. That is now changed with the development of MP3 Sound Stream.

Quite simply MP3 Sound Stream is the only product of its kind on the Internet today, for the price, that will allow you to add as many streaming audio files to your web site/s as you like for the one low price of $39.95.

You can create as many streaming audio files as you like. You can make them for friends, family or business associations. In fact we have a few people who use the program to make streaming audio files for businesses at a small charge.

Of course there are other programs around that will allow you to create streaming audio files however most of them require a monthly fee or are simply not as diverse as MP3 Sound Stream.

Audio files are very similar to graphics in that the ratio between size and quality are crucial. Many of these programs require you to prepare the audio file in the correct format before you can stream it. Mp3 Sound Stream does all this for you.

Now that you have heard the quality and experienced the streaming audio why not download a free trial copy and try it out for your self. It is very easy to use. The trial copy has some embedded audio in the output however when you come back and purchase the full version they will be removed.

Now that your ready to start adding streaming audio use the link below to order your copy of MP3 Sound Stream Now. Once your payment has been processed you will be directed to a secure download page where you can access your unlock key and also some added bonuses. If you have any problems with the download we also send out a confirmation email of your payment with all the links and information within 24hrs of your order. You can always contact us at any time if you have any problems.

Google Brings the Earth to Your Desktop

Google Inc. has launched a new software package that allows you to see satellite images on your desktop.

Google Earth lets you search for locations anywhere on earth and display 3D aerial images of major cities and tourist attractions. Google Earth is in development, but a free beta version is available for home users. Locations can be searched by address, intersections, cities, zip codes or countries and the images can be zoomed in close enough to see streets and buildings.

The images generated are 3D – you can rotate the view to see different sides of an object. You can navigate using a mouse or the keyboard, and view selectable layers to display information about local features such as roads, terrain, schools or golf courses.

Images of 38 US cities can be viewed from “the ground up” allowing you to see 3D representations of buildings and terrain. Measurement functions include distances between two locations, perimeters, radius and area.

Search results can be saved, printed and emailed. Driving directions can be automatically generated and you can trace the route using the “Play” button located underneath the directions tab.

Google Earth is based on technology from Keyhole Corp., a digital mapping company acquired by Google in 2004. The database that drives Google Earth is based on images from satellite and airplane photographs. The database is said to be “multi-terabytes” in size.

Google Earth is available in several versions. The free version is for personal use. Google Earth Plus costs $20 and integrates data from your GPS device. Google Earth Pro costs $400 and is designed for businesses who need a research and collaboration tool. Finally, there is Google Earth Enterprise Solutions for on-site deployment of Google Earth.

The technology behind Google Earth is not new, and smaller companies such as GlobeXplorer LLC have been offering 3D aerial views for several years. Google has the marketing clout, however, to bring the technology to the consumer level and integrate it into its advertising programs.

Users can search for local businesses and receive a viewpoint of 10 search results within a specified area. Clicking on a business listing brings up its address, phone number and driving directions.

How Interactive Websites Keep Visitors On Site Longer

There are three factors that a webmaster is concerned with when it comes to increasing traffic to his website.

· Getting new visitors.
· Getting repeat visitors.
· Increasing the amount of time a visitor spends on his site.

Interactive sites encourage all the above desired behaviors in several different ways. When a visitor logs on to the interactive site, he or she is attracted and drawn into the site by the various options available. Instead of sitting back and reading information passively, the visitor is encouraged to interact and be part of the entire information gathering process.

A new visitor is attracted to interactive websites because of the many offerings on display. The visitor feels important and welcome because interactive sites generally customize the website to suit the visitors taste. Using cookies some interactive websites even welcome the user with his or her name. Thus one can significantly increase traffic to interactive sites using online tools.

Once the visitor has been drawn into the interactive site and gives out some basic information like his email, name, address and age perhaps, it is not difficult to lure him back to the site. Interactive tools like Ezines can be sent to the visitors Inbox to encourage him to come back to the website. Some revenue generating sites will even offer discounts on products and services to lure the visitor back.

Interactive tools by their very nature require the visitor to spend more time on the website. Once a visitor starts playing a game, reading an article and responding to it, sharing his views on the discussion boards and gaming online he is hooked. The interactive tools make for a fun surfing experience that visitors are loath to end.

Thus, interactive sites encourage increased traffic because they create an active, involved environment where the user can seek the knowledge he wants. This is a novel change from the offline world where a user is a passive recipient of knowledge.

"The Web's Best-Kept Traffic Secret"

Did you realize that thousands of website operators use a simple technique to generate targeted visitors to their websites without paying a dime in advertising? It's true.

In fact, the technique works so well that many of them don't want you to discover how they get those thousands of website visitors and make so many sales on virtual "auto-pilot."

Their method?

Creating tightly focused articles other people publish in their ezines (online magazines and email newsletters) and post on their websites. This method rates so powerful that some even call it "the web's best kept traffic secret."

Now, you may ask, "Why would an ezine publisher or website  owner publish my articles for their subscribers?"

The answer: Content!

Over a 100,000 ezines and newsletters operate on the web (along with millions of websites) covering everything from pets and cooking to investments and real estate. Many of them need tightly focused content and they simply can't produce all of it themselves.

Look at it this way... it's the same reason newspapers use the Associated Press. Individual newspapers often can't afford staff writers to cover every story, so they accept articles from outside their organization.

You can do the exact same thing for various ezines and websites catering to your niche audience!

You can get valuable publicity
-- exposure you often couldn't even pay for if you wanted to
-- by providing valuable, content-rich articles in exchange for a byline and a link to
your website (called a "resource box")!

The following represent only a few of the enormous benefits
of writing and distributing simple articles online:

** Attain "Expert" Status **

Let's face it! In the eyes of virtually everyone who reads your articles you rank as the "expert" on the subject.

Just look at people who write newspaper columns. You may
disagree with their viewpoints, but they still have an
elevated status in your mind compared to the "average Joe"
off the street.

** Pre-sell Website Visitors **

If your article appeals to a niche audience hungry for more information on a very focused subject, you actually pre-sell them better than any sales pitch. In their minds, you've already delivered content they really want so when they click over to your site you already have a "reputation" in their minds.

** Traffic Lasts Longer **

Even though the Internet changes very quickly, webmasters are usually very slow to remove content from their sites. Once you get an article posted on another person's website, you have an excellent chance of that article staying there for weeks, months, even years.

** Increase Links To Your Site **
In a recent search I found just a dozen of my articles posted on over 813 different websites! Not only do those postings bring me traffic, but they also help my search engine positioning because of my increased "Link Popularity."

** Builds Your Affiliate Base **

Fact: Affiliates always take the path of least resistance.

If you provide excellent articles they can easily post on their sites or copy and paste into their ezines, your
affiliates will promote you more often and more effectively compared to those who don't give them tools.

Plus, as you make more sales and publish articles, other people will see you providing excellent tools and will want to sign up as your affiliate so they can use them too!

** Build a Huge "Opt-In" Email List **

You can use articles to build up a huge list of subscribers by simply compiling several articles into a series and delivering them at preset intervals.

Often called a "mini-course," this technique allows you not only to prove to your subscribers that you deliver great information, but enables you to capture their name and email adress so you can send them articles and special offers in the future (with their permission).

** Requires No Special Skills **

People often think they need to be a "writer" in order to publish articles, but that's not true!

FACT: If you have a passion for a subject and can talk and explain things like you would to a friend over a cup of coffee, you can write articles people will love to read.

So if you operate a website selling virtually any type of product or service (whether your own or as an affiliate), publishing and promoting with articles should rank high on your list of traffic generation strategies.

No other method of generating targeted traffic to your website provides the quality, quantity and steadiness of traffic in such a simple, straightforward, and cost-effective manner.

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