
Internet Marketing Strategy

44 Link Popularity Secrets

Enjoy These BENEFITS:

-Quality targeted traffic from backlink & reciprocal link partners

-Sustained long-term free search engine traffic

-Recognition as an authority in your specific field

There are enormous benefits to be had if you master and use these link popularity secrets. These 44 linking strategies and tactics are organized into three sections:

Link Popularity Resources, Tools, & Techniques
Backlinks (Incoming Links)
Reciprocal Links

(1-11) Link Popularity Resources, Tools, & Techniques

(1) (1) (1) (1)

You will need a comprehensive script to manage the many tasks of a complete link popularity strategy.
First step:
Download and install Duncan Carver's Link Management Assistant (LMA):
The best link popularity software.
Other leading link building products are:
Reciprocal Manager
...but all have significant price tags attached.
LMA is the Rolls Royce of link popularity software.
In a class by itself!
Oh yes, did I mention that it is free!
This link building software is the best option for building a niche directory for a mini site or niche site.
Even if you currently use other link popularity software, you should add LMA to your Internet marketing arsenal.
Download now or bookmark this page:
For an example of a link directory established with LMA see the "Work At Home Website Directory" that I have started to develop on this website:

(2) (2) (2) (2)
Read this important article:
Keyword Phrases In Linking text:
Linking text, sometimes called anchor text is the clickable text that takes people to another page or resource.
Mastering the skill of using keyword phrases in your linking text is one of the critical secrets to understand in developing an effective link building strategy.
Take special notice of the importance of using this technique in your INTERNAL links within your website!

(3) (3) (3) (3)
You should be aware of the penalties search engines can inflict.

Vary keywords in linking text:

In your linking strategy you should offer multiple anchor text options for other webmasters to choose in linking to your website.

Change these options AT LEAST ONCE PER MONTH.

(4) (4) (4) (4)

Subscribe to these link popularity newsletters:
Linking Matters Newsletter
LinkingNews Newsletter

The dynamics of what's effective on the Internet can change at a frightening pace. Subscribe to these ezines and keep current.

(5) (5) (5) (5)

Bookmark this website:

Free articles on strategic link building, linking strategies and tactics, and link popularity.

Eric Ward is one of the most knowledgeable individuals in terms of link popularity on the entire Internet.

Visit this site on a REGULAR BASIS.

(6) (6) (6) (6)

Use keywords in your domain name.

The links that you are sowing all over the Internet will show up more often in search engine results, if you are using important keywords in your domain name.

Use the knowledge you gained from SECRET #2 concerning "keyword phrases in linking text".

(7) (7) (7) (7)

Download this ebook which contains a collection of link building tactics:

An array of link popularity strategies that you won't find anywhere else.

The strategies are not numbered so make a page notation for link building tactics that fit your situation.

(8) (8) (8) (8)

Download and install the Alexa Toolbar.

Important toolbar to improve your link popularity.

Use of the toolbar positively affects your Alexa ranking. Since some webmasters take into account your website's Alexa ranking the better your ranking the higher your success rate in getting reciprocal links.

(9) (9) (9) (9)

Install a robots.txt file in root directory of your website (server).

Google's robots (and other SE robots) need to track your links (both internal and external). Give them help and proper guidance with the robot.txt file.

For a valuable tutorial on this technique visit:
Robots.txt Tutorial

For other helpful robots.text info visit:
Robots.txt Validator
Robots.txt Forum

Search engine spiders particularly need help indexing pages that are MORE THAN TWO LEVELS removed from the home page.

(10) (10) (10) (10)

Use this Text-to-Hyperlink Conversion Tool

If you have an HTML ezine or publish articles online, you should MAKE SURE ALL OF THE URLS IN THE ARTICLE ARE HYPERLINKED. Hyperlinking only the url in the resource box is not enough.

If your articles are online, and you have referenced your own website in the article, check to make sure the links are live.

You will find some article banks where the urls within articles are not hyperlinked. Whenever you encounter this state, alert the editor to the above easy-to-use tool.

Also, express your strong preference for articles with live links.

By the way, you can edit your own articles with some article banks to include live hyperlinks. Where appropriate use the above tool to make your article links live and improve your link popularity.

(11) (11) (11) (11)

Download this powerful free ebook on time management.

This is a talking ebook, plus a written transcript of the audio.

You will learn the powerful concept of the TIME QUADRANT, plus 12 critical time management rules.

No one can take advantage of all 44 link popularity secrets in a couple of days or weeks. There are a tremendous amount of productive steps you can take overall.

Therefore, you should SET GOALS of completing a certain step or number of steps by a SPECIFIC DATE.

Once you have put all of these link popularity secrets in place, your website will become a powerful force on the Internet!

(12-37) Backlinks (Incoming Links)

(12) (12) (12) (12)

Write and publish articles online.

Informed opinion has it that BACKLINKS, that is, one-way, incoming links are MORE VALUABLE than reciprocal links.

If the backlink is from a high PR, high traffic site, it should prove to be extremely valuable both in terms of traffic and link popularity.

The absolute best way to get backlinks from high quality sites is to write and publish articles online.

Therefore, I have included extensive data for you to utilize.

There are five main distribution channels for your articles that you should concentrate on:

(1)Article Banks or Directories

(2)Announcement Lists

(3)Ezines that have an online archive

(4)Ezine Editors

(5)Individual websites that publish articles

Article Banks or Directories

Here are a number of different sources:

Announcement Lists

Yahoo Groups

Ezines That Have An Online Archive

You should make it a top priority to start and build a file that lists ezines with an online archive.


Use your judgement. How up to date is the archive? How many subscribers?? What's the Alexa rating?

By the way, if you ADVERTISE in ezines that have an online archive, any links in the ad that reference your own websites will add to your link popularity.

Ezine Editors

You will be using mainly ezine directories:

Some editors print their ezine online but do not have an online archive.
Important list of ezine directories.
Comprehensive list of ezine directories.

Copy and paste this list of urls in your email program and send it to yourself so you will have a hyperlinked list.

Here is a PAID alternative.

This list is selective so it should contain quality ezines with no out-of-date listings:

Individual Websites That Publish Articles

If you go to, type in:

"target keyword phrase + articles"

You will find websites where you can post articles for that keyword. As an example:

"link popularity + articles" yields this:

Submit Articles To Web Rings

Here is an individual website that has integrated the online publishing of articles with submission to web rings:

Fee Based Article Distribution

Here are two paid article distribution services that I have used with good results:

The service above was the first I used for the article below:

"Internet Marketing Strategy:The Advertising Co-op"

If you copy and paste the article title above, including quotes, at, you will see the extent of this article's distribution.

Most of these links are BACKLINKS!

I manually submitted this article to about 10-15 websites, but it was very time consuming. After using Phantom Writers the distribution grew to about 250.

After six months I used isnare for further paid distribution.

This service has a very moderate cost.

Blog Posts Re: Articles

Look for June 20th post at:

Click on "Oh no... here come the critics:

Then read comment #12.

Then read comment #19:

Powerful stuff!

Critical Secret Re Article Titles

Article Marketing & Copywriting Secret: How To Make Your Article TITLE Sell

After reading this article you should realize that you can get two gigantic benefits from your online articles:

improved link popularity

free website traffic from search engines when your article shows up

If Your Writing Skills Are Poor Or Insufficient

Writing and publishing articles online has such a tremendous benefit, but what if you can't write well, or worse, don't feel you have enough knowledge??

Pick a hot topic and get a ghost writer!

A ghost written article means the article is published with your name as the author.

The benefits you receive will more than make up for the cost when your ghost written article becomes widely distributed.

(13) (13) (13) (13)

Submit your website to these directory sites:

The single most important directory listing you can have. There may be long delays in getting your site listed. Be prepared to follow up. A free listing but very powerful.

WARNING: Paying the fee does not guarantee inclusion in the directory.

You can avoid the listing fee by becoming an editor.

An important widely used business directory. To submit your site click "Advertise With Us" at bottom of page.

A comprehensive resource that is very valuable if fully utilized. Ranks directories by how "powerful" they are.

Great structure. Offers separate FREE and PAID directory listings.

(14) (14) (14) (14)

Here are some meta directories that list directory sites where you can submit your Web site: is a large directory which lists more than 2,500 search engines and directories.

This directory lists more than 900 specialized search engines and directories.

(15) (15) (15) (15)

List your link or niche website directory with these directories:
Extraordinary resource!
Valuable resource! An annotated directory.
See multiple post re lists of directories by Megri

Be sure to give your directory a name that includes important keywords.

Having a niche directory with a narrow focus can add tremendous value to your website since it can save an interested party a huge amount of time in locating valuable resources.

(16) (16) (16) (16)

If you have your own website or niche directory, PROMOTE IT!

Submit it to the directories of directories referenced above.

Advertise your link or niche directory using free advertising resources such as:

The focus is not on promoting your overall website but on advertising your link or niche directory specifically.

Your intent is to promote and secure backlinks.

You hope that other websites, once they discover it, will want to link to a valuable resource, YOUR DIRECTORY.

So make your directory exceptional and link within it to high quality websites.

Your Promotion should be RELENTLESS.

(17) (17) (17) (17)

Submit your blog and RSS feeds to directories:

For details on setting up your syndicated feed, read this article by William Bontrager:

(18) (18) (18) (18)

If you have the appropriate files, submit your site to directories for .pdf files, multimedia files and image files.

(19) (19) (19) (19)

List your ezine in these ezine directories. Make sure you have a SEPARATE sign-up page for your newsletter or ezine.

Such listings will give you a permanent backlink to your website.

This site has a comprehensive list of ezine directories:

(20) (20) (20) (20)

Post to forums, blogs, and newsgroups.

When your website has appropriate useful information, your responsive answers to forum members' requests can include a direct link to the appropriate page of your website.

Your post must be DIRECTLY RESPONSIVE to the topic, not just an attempt to gain a backlink.

In addition, many forums allow a signature file, where you can include a backlink to your website. Use the knowledge from SECRET #2 in your signature file.

Here is a link to a site with solid information on forums complete with a list of active and prominent forums to investigate.
Valuable resource for Internet Marketing forums.

An extremely valuable FREE ebook on posting at forums can be obtained at:
Link popularity and posting at forums

All of the powerful knowledge and wisdom in this ebook can be applied to posting at blogs and newsgroups.

Highly recommended!


Google indexes the content of newsgroups.

An easy way to post messages in newsgroups is to create a Google account and to post via their Web interface:

(21) (21) (21) (21)

Get free publicity, free traffic, and valuable backlinks through using free press release distribution services.

If you want a serious infusion of valuable publicity and public relations knowledge, an excellent place to start would be subscribing to George McKenzie's FREE Publicity Pro Newsletter.

Learn from a pro and master this knowledge, and your mastery should pay huge dividends, in terms of valuable backlinks, increased traffic and increased profitability.

Key Paid Service

URLwire is one of the best fee based services available. URLwire is a web site announcement network started in 1994.

URLwire reaches the KEY ONLINE CONTACTS who specifically write about, review, and link to new web content.

An investment of your resources that rates to pay very big dividends.

(22) (22) (22) (22)

Post a helpful "comment" to Google Answers.


You want questions that are relevant to valuable information and answers supplied by your website.

(23) (23) (23) (23)

Set up an affiliate program. Here is a source of affiliate scripts:

Make certain that the script you choose is reliable.

Under no circumstances should you start to use a script without asking on at least a couple of forums whether anyone has had experience with your script of choice.

You can also use affiliate management software such as easyClickMate. See the link below for a free ebook that explains in detail this strategy.

A successful affiliate strategy should result in thousands of backlinks from theme related websites.

(24) (24) (24) (24)

Develop a simple strategy to induce members of to establish a public link to one or more of your website pages.

You want them to store your website page with the PUBLIC SAVE FUNCTION in their individual accounts!

This free system is one of the absolute best information resource tools you can use to store valuable information in a format that you design and use with ease.

Highly recommended. Act now!

(25) (25) (25) (25)

Link to

Have someone write a review of your website for, and you will be automatically included in the data base.

The reviewer should first do a search with your complete url in the search box at the above link.

Then look for:

User Reviews for your

Be the first person to write a review of this site on!

The reviewer clicks the hyperlink and writes the review for

(26) (26) (26) (26)

List your ebook for sale with

Click "Sell Your Stuff" from the top menu.

You will enjoy listings and links from other major retailers such as:,,, &

(27) (27) (27) (27)

Use testimonials as a linking strategy.

These are testimonials that you provide to webmasters of high traffic, high page rank websites.

Give genuine testimonials of appreciation for tools or resources of a particular website.

When you send the webmaster the testimonial, give permission to quote you using your FULL NAME and specific city, state, and country.

Politely, request that a hyperlink back to your website be included in the citation.

By the way, what Internet marketer has used this technique the most?

By a wide margin I'd say it's Joe Vitale!

(28) (28) (28) (28)

Write a review of a high traffic website.

Contact the webmaster and offer the free use of your review (in whole or in part) in return for a backlink.

Use keyword rich anchor text in your backlink.

(29) (29) (29) (29)

Develop niche website software where the user must leave intact a small notice that links to your website.

LMA uses this concept. Over time Duncan Carver, the originator of LMA, is likely to have hundreds of thousands of websites linking to his chosen website or sites through their use of LMA.

You must give this tactic some deep thought and try to come up with suitable software that would be installed on a user's website.

All you have to do is come up with the IDEA.

You can always go to an appropriate website and hire a programmer to develop the software for you such as:

The return on investment could be huge!

Be sure to have a Confidentiality Agreement prepared, that interested parties have to sign and return to you before you reveal your software idea.

Make sense??

(30) (30) (30) (30)

Develop software that can be downloaded free from your website, and have download websites list it and link to it.

Also, post to forums, blogs, and newsgroups to alert them to your free software and state anyone can link to it.

As an alternative you may have the software resource, exclusively to be used at your site (no download function).

By the way, do you think it would be a good idea to make the linking text keyword rich?? (lol)

Remember to vary the suggested anchor text as you post notices around the net. (SECRET #3)

(31) (31) (31) (31)

Be Interviewed!

Complete with backlinks to your site or sites, of course.

Use your imagination. Radio, TV, print media, ezines, even an email interview.

(32) (32) (32) (32)

Join associations or trade groups within your industry. Make sure their online sites have good page rank and have backlinks to their members websites.

(33) (33) (33) (33)

B2B websites should have contract language that specifically requires a backlink in pages that have already been indexed by search engines. This contract language should apply to all:

suppliers or vendors
resellers or affiliates

(34) (34) (34) (34)

Host a Top Site

You will need a cgi program.

"Top Sites" are a ranking system. Websites that sign up with your "Top Site" are given a text link or button with their id, and they post this link to you on their site.

The more visitors the website sends to you, the higher it ranks. You know which sites send traffic due to the cgi script and the imbedded id.

A source for scripts:

(35) (35) (35) (35)

Host a web ring.

All the links on every Web ring banner point to your site and redirect to member sites.
You will need a script to host your web ring, and a source is:

(36) (36) (36) (36)

Use paid link text advertising.

Placing paid text link ads on high traffic websites that have a theme directly related to your website is a powerful strategy when used in combination with the above link building strategies.

Below are two good sources that have two different processes for you to achieve this goal:
Text link ads through an auction process.
Direct placement of text link ads.

Trade One-Way Text Link Ads that are Relevant and Human Edited.

(37) (37) (37) (37)

Get backlinks from these 100 top rated websites:

As part of your link popularity strategy you should make it a goal to get an incoming link from at least several of the sites listed in the 100 top websites.

Devise a strategy so that something you produce, an article, press release, etc., is picked up and linked to by one of these highly rated sites.

You can always benefit from news or media backlinks, but otherwise seek backlinks from theme related websites.

Knowledge that you gain from an authoritative source such as Publicity Pro Newsletter (see SECRET #21) should help you get backlinks from these high profile sites.

(38-44) Reciprocal Links

(38) (38) (38) (38)

Use existing link partners and online ezine archives as sources for reciprocal links.

Search the resource pages and link directories of sites that already link to you. Seek links with high quality websites that would offer significant value to your website visitors.

Do AD SWAPS with ezines that have an online archive of past issues. Naturally, in your ad you will have an url leading to your own site.

Of course your ad will include anchor text rich in appropriate keywords!

(39) (39) (39) (39)

Find quality websites with this reciprocal link exchange:

Take this step once you have installed LMA and are ready to request reciprocal links.

If you have other link management software in place, fine, but you should have a defined procedure for adding and maintaining links.

This exchange, originates from Ken Evoy of, so you know it is a highly valuable asset. A good place for QUALITY reciprocal links.

Also, take advantage and download the free ebook, Make Your Links Work, while you are on this site.

(40) (40) (40) (40)

Sign up with these 4 additional link exchange programs:

First a point of clarification:

Your primary goal in using these exchanges is to find useful and valuable info and resources for your website visitors. A by-product of your listing valuable websites is increased link popularity.

Valuable directory of quality websites that trade reciprocal links with other sites.
Join this human-compiled directory that lists websites who actively swap links.

Your referring page will need to have a page rank of 5 since that is the minimum required by this exchange.
This is a free-to-join coop advertising network.

You exchange text links within this network on regular web pages not inside link directories.

Highly recommended!

This program emails willing reciprocal link partners to your inbox.

Taking advantage of these programs should be a very productive use of your time, because the other program members have joined with the specific intent of developing reciprocal links.

Be selective!

Approve links to quality sites that have a similar theme to yours or offer goods or services you know your website visitors would be interested in.

(41) (41) (41) (41)

I'll be the first to confess that I was on the Internet for five years before I knew that there was such a thing as The Google Directory?!?

You can use this directory to find websites with a high page rank and request reciprocal links with appropriate sites.

Check out the Google directory at:

If you locate the category or theme of the websites you want to target, they will be listed with the highest Page Rank (PR) websites at the top of the list.

Most of the sites near the top of the list will be PR4, PR5 or higher. These are the websites to target as priorities for reciprocal links.

(42) (42) (42) (42)

Obtain reciprocal links from websites that are linking to your competitors.

(A)Determine which websites are your main competitors. Make up a list.

(B)Sign up with Google alerts to determine who is linking to your competitors. (Due to technical difficulties you may have to "copy and paste" this url to bring the site up).

Enter in the "Search terms" box.

For "Type" choose web.

For "how often" choose once a day.

Be aware that you can use multiple queries and keep tabs on multiple competitors.

This is easily done by adding an "OR". For example: OR OR

(C)Request a reciprocal link from suitable sites that link to your competitors.

These requests should have a HIGH SUCCESS RATE since you know for sure the target sites are actively adding links.

(43) (43) (43) (43)

Find theme related websites that offer reciprocal links.

Your search inquiry should look like this:

"Submit a link" + "Your keyword goes here"

So a request for websites based on the keyword phrase "link building" would look like this:

"Submit a link" + "link building"

Be sure to include the quotes.

You can use other phrases instead of "submit your link" including:

"add your site"
"submit a url"
"add a url"
"add a link"

This is a sound technique to use for niche or mini sites, because it can be very hard to get search engine traffic for a mini site.

Add the link to your site first, then invite the reciprocal link.

(44) (44) (44) (44)

Exchange teaser articles with other webmasters.

What's that??

A teaser article is one that has been cut short, and the reader has to go to another location, like your website, to finish reading the article.

If you get a few teaser articles on high traffic, high PR websites, you will get two huge benefits:

free targeted traffic

improved link popularity

I don't have to lecture you about how much more valuable TARGETED traffic is than random website traffic. Obviously, you want to tease an article of yours that is relevant to your website content.

You should tease both articles in the exchange.

By tease I mean deciding where the cut off point should be. In other words do all the work and present a completely done package to the other webmaster.

Of course, you will have keyword rich anchor texts for both links (yours and the other webmasters links) as part of the package. And you will explain the value of keyword rich anchor text to your reciprocal partner.

Lastly, make the links open in a new window.

Tease outstanding articles and you will definitely see positive results with this technique.

Final Thoughts

Implementing all these secrets will take a long time and considerable effort.

Therefore, break the overall task down into several small manageable steps (MINI-GOALS) that you can meet by a SERIES OF SPECIFIC DATES.

The time management resource detailed in SECRET #11 is a powerful force that you can apply to maximize the tremendous impact you should get from following these link building strategies.


Best of success!

The Linux File System

Linux uses a whole different file system philosophy than
Windows. Windows automatically assigns a drive letter to
every partition and drive it finds. But Linux makes every
partition and drive a subdirectory of the root (/)
partition. If you are a Windows user, you may get confused
when you try to use Linux.

No matter how many partitions, hard drives, or floppy
drives your computer has, the Linux File Manager displays
everything in a single directory tree under the root
directory indicated by a slash (/). Every partition or
drive is "mounted" onto the directory tree, and appears in
File Manager as a subdirectory.

Linux needs at least three partitions to work, the root
partition, the /boot partition, and the swap partition.
The root partition is mounted at startup. The root
directory itself doesn't contain any files, just
subdirectories. The /boot partition contains files used to
boot the system. The swap partition is used as "virtual

When the operating system needs more memory than there is
available in the system's RAM, it can use disk space to
emulate memory. As the system operates, data is swapped
back and forth between RAM and the swap partition. The
swap partition doesn't have a mount point because it's a
system file and is never accessed directly by the user.

Note: Linux, the Internet, and the rest of the computing
world use forward slashes to form directory paths. Only
Windows uses back-slashes to form directory paths. The
back-slash also represents an ASCII escape character,
resulting in all kinds of bugs in Windows programs.

In Windows you just insert a floppy disk into the drive and
it's accessible. With Linux, before you can access devices
such as a CD ROM or a floppy drive, you have to "mount"
the drive. For example, to mount the floppy drive, insert
the disk into the drive and then select Main Menu |
Programs | System | Disk Manager. The "User Mount Tool"
utility will appear. In the "User Mount Tool" click on the
"Mount" button to the right of /dev/fd0.

Note: Linux abstracts every device attached your computer,
including the hard drive and floppy drive as a file. Files
in the /dev/ folder are equivalent to device driver files
in Windows. Linux provides device files for most common
devices, but if you install an uncommon device, you may
need a special device file.

After mounting the drive, you can access the floppy disk.
Before removing the disk, you have to "unmount" the drive.
If you find yourself frequently mounting and unmounting
drives, you can right-click on "Disk Manager" in the menu
and select "Add this launcher to panel".

When you installed Linux, information about devices on
computer was stored in the file /etc/fstab. If the device
that you want to mount was not configured during
installation, use the LinuxConf utility to configure the
device before you mount it.

For example, if you wanted to configure a floppy drive to
access DOS floppy disks, insert a DOS floppy disk into the
drive, then log in as root and open LinuxConf - Main Menu
| Programs | System | LinuxConf. In the LinuxConf window
Config tab, click on "+" next to "File systems" to open
that branch. Under "File systems" click on "Access local
drive". The "Local volume" windows appears.

In the "Local volume" window, click on the Add button. The
"Volume specification" window appears. In the "Partition"
text box type /dev/fd0. Then click on the drop down button
for the "Type" text box and select msdos. In the "Mount
point" text box type /mnt/floppy. Click on the "Accept"
button. Then click on the "Mount" button.

Note: To mount a partition or drive you have to use an
existing subdirectory as the mount point. By convention,
drives use the /mnt/ subdirectory as the mount point.

To copy files to and from the mounted floppy disk, drag
and drop them to and from the directory /mnt/dosfloppy
just as you would any other directory.

Top 10 Tips for WinXP Users

Are you new to WinXp? Just upgraded, or gotten a new computer maybe? Or you might have friends and contacts who use it and you want to "show off" a little by teaching them a few tricks? I`ve collected 10 of my favourite WinXP tricks, each of them easy to use, and very helpful, and if you follow the instructions step-by-step, they work perfectly. So here goes:

Top Tip #1:

Having a problem making your desktop icons stay exactly where you put them?

When you temporarily change your desktop to a lower resolution—for example whilst using Safe mode, Windows can wreak havoc with your careful positioning of desktop icons.

Right click your desktop click arrange icons and uncheck auto arrange. You can now drag & drop them wherever you want them. Note that if you start your computer in SAFE mode you will have to rearange them again.

Top Tip #2:

Accidentally moved your taskbar and want it back where it was?

Point your mouse to a 'blank' area inside the taskbar, THEN hold down your left mouse button, and DRAG it down where you want it to go. It may take a couple of tries to get it over.

Top Tip #3:

Feel like changing your Start Menu?

(1) Right click a blank spot on the Start Menu.
(2) Select Properties
(3) Select Customize
(4) Select the Advanced tab.

Most of those preset items which don't have the option to check or uncheck will be there. For each item listed you'll have the option to Display as link or Display as menu or Don't display this item. Make your selection as you desire. Note that you will have the option to display the Control Panel as a menu, which you might find very useful.

Top Tip #4:

Getting grey popup boxes with ads in? Stop the spam like this:

(1) Select "Start"
(2) Select "Settings"
(3) Choose "Control Panel"
(4) Choose "Administrative Tools"
(5) Choose "Services"
(6) Right-click on "Messenger"
(7) Select "Stop"
To permanently disable Messenger:
(8) Right click "Messenger"
(9) Select "Properties"
(10) Change "Startup Type" to "Disabled" and click "OK"

Top Tip #5:

Having problems viewing sites cos your computer isn`t accepting the cookies?

Open a New Browser window.

(1) Click on Tools (in toolbar).
(2) Click on Internet Options.
(3) Click on Privacy.
(4) Click on Advanced.
(5) Click on Override Cookie Control.
(6) Click on Enable First Party Cookies.
(7) Click on Enable Session Cookies.
(8) Click OK.

Top Tip #6:

Want to change how you see your emails? Try this:

Click on "view" at top. "Layout" will allow you to fix what you see. "Sort by" will let you arrange the order the messages appear in.

Top Tip #7:

Want to disable the Automatic Update reminders in Windows?

Open Internet Explorer/Tools/Internet Options/Advanced tab, under "Browsing" take the checkmark out of "Automatically check for Internet Explorer Updates", click Apply, click OK.

Another thing to try is to:

(1) Click Start
(2) Click Run
(3) Type in: "MSCONFIG" (without the quotes)
(4) Click OK.
(5) Under the Startup tab take the checkmark out of "Critical Updates"
(6) Click Apply
(7) Click OK
(8) Restart your computer.

Top Tip #8:
Got too many icons on your desktop?

Right click on an empty space on your desktop, highlight "Arrange Icons By", the click on Run Desktop Cleanup Wizard

Top Tip #9:

Tired of seeing your pointer as an arrow or an hourglass all the time? Windows XP offers a number of alternative pointer schemes, such as Dinosaur, Ocean and Sports.

Open the Control Panel, double-click Mouse, and select the Pointers tab. (If you start in Category view, select Appearance and Themes, then click Mouse Pointers under "See Also.") Next to Schemes, click the down arrow and select a scheme to preview its pointers. Click OK to apply the scheme to your desktop. Simple as that.

Top Tip #10:

Want to hear your computer talk?
Select Start, Programs, Accessories, Accessibility, Narrator. Or press the Windows key plus the letter "U" to open the Utility Manager. Microsoft Narrator, an accessibility option designed to assist readers who are blind or have impaired vision, starts automatically.

Once you've read through the intro screen (or let the Narrator do it), click OK and you'll see a dialog box of Narrator options. Assuming you want to leave Narrator running, select the desired options, then minimize its dialog box. And if you've opened the Utility Manager, feel free to close it.

To turn Narrator off, click the Exit button or right-click its taskbar item and select Close.

Hope this has helped you get your WinXP working the way you want it to, and given you a little fun too. For more information like this, I highly recommend that you visit, read through, bookmark and re-visit this site:

Have Fun Learning!

Setting Up a Linux Modem

Almost all modems manufactured today are software modems,
usually referred to as "winmodems". Even though we pay a
lot for a winmodem, they are cheap to manufacture because
they use very little electronics. The functions that
should be performed in hardware are emulated by software.
This places an extra processing burden on your computer's
CPU. Winmodems will not work with Linux unless you can
locate a special "Linmodem" driver.

A hardware modem contains its own on-board controller and
DSP circuits. This takes a major processing load off your
computer's CPU. A hardware modem will make your dial-up
connection work much faster. Hardware modems are difficult
to find and very expensive. Hardware modems will work with

Some hardware modems known to work with Linux:

Zoom 2920 Fax Modem 56K PCI $76.00
Actiontec PCI56012-01CW 56K Voice Faxmodem PCI $75.00
ActionTec PCIV921201CW Call Waiting Internal V.90/V.92 Modem $59.99

On rare occasions Linux will locate and configure your
modem during installation, but most likely you will have
to configure it manually. If your computer is plug-and-play
(PnP) compatible, the BIOS should detect the modem on
power-up and allocate resources to it. To determine which
resources were allocated to the modem, log in as root and
click on the "Terminal emulation program" button on the
task bar. In the terminal window that appears, type the
following command:

cat /proc/pci

In the screen output that results, locate the entry for
your modem. Below is a possible example:

Bus 0, device 9, function 0:
Unknown class: Lucent (ex-AT&T) Microelectronics
Unknown device (rev 0).
Vendor id=11c1. Device id=480.
Medium devsel. Fast back-to-back capable. IRQ 11
Master Capable. No bursts. Min Gnt=252. Max Lat=14
Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0x80100000 [0x8010000].
I/O at 0xdc00 [0xdc01]
I/O at 0xe000[0xe001]
I/O at 0xe400[0xe401]

Record the IRQ number and the first I/O address.

Linux uses a device file to communicate with a modem.
Device files are located in the /dev directory. A modem
must use one of the serial ports (/dev/ttyS0 - /dev/ttyS3).
First determine which serial port to use for the modem.
You should use ttyS1 because ttyS0 is usually assigned to
a back panel connector.

To configure the serial port, use the setserial command
with the information that you recorded above. Using the
example values above, you would type the following into
the terminal window:

setserial /dev/ttyS1 uart 16550A port 0xdc00 irq 11

You can verify that the modem is working by sending it the
command to dial. For example type the following into the
terminal window:

echo "atdt5555555" > /dev/ttyS1

If you hear the modem dial, close the connection by typing:

echo "atz" > /dev/ttyS1

If you didn't hear the modem dial, make sure you have the
modem speaker turned on by typing:

echo "atv" > /dev/ttyS1

Then try dialing again.

To have Linux automatically configure your modem at boot
time, add the setserial line that you used above to the
file /etc/rc.d/rc.local

Assuming that you are using the GNOME window manager, click
on the "foot" icon on the taskbar to open the menu. Select
"Programs" and open the "File Manager". In File Manager,
navigate to the directory /etc/rc.d and right-click on the
file rc.local. Select "Open with..." in the popup menu. In
the "gmc" dialog box, select "gnotepad+" and click on the
"OK" button. At the bottom of the file, type the setserial
command line and then save the file.

For complete information about modems related to Linux,
visit "Winmodems are not Modems" at:

Sometimes configuring a modem is not as easy in Linux as
it is in Windows, but the alternative is to continue to
use Windows and beg for Bill Gates permission to upgrade
your hardware (XP product activation).

Linux Display Settings

After you install Linux you usually find your display in a low resolution mode. If you were installing Windows,
you would then install the driver for your video card and use the Display utility in Control Panel to change to a higher resolution. Unfortunately, with Linux things are not so easy.

Linux uses a free version of the X Window System called Xfree86 to control your display. Xfree86 supports VGA, Super VGA, and some accelerated video adapters. If you have a new video card, or new motherboard with on-board video, you may want to download the latest version of Xfree86 from

The configuration for Xfree86 is in a file named XF86Config located in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11. This file is
created and edited by a program called Xconfigurator.

In Windows, the monitor is viewed as a "dumb box" driven by a video card which is controlled by a video driver program. Xconfigurator seems to think that video cards don't exist and it requires you enter all kinds of obtuse information about your monitor such as horizontal sync range, vertical sync range, the amount of video memory, and which clock chip you have.

If you have a no-name monitor like I do, you may not know all of these parameters. You may get stuck in the display configuration step of Linux installation. This is one reason why I say "Linux is not ready for prime time".

This is how it should work: Linux detects your video card and configures itself.

On rare occasion, Xconfigurator does detect your "monitor", or you can select your monitor in Xconfigurator's list.
In most cases you can get through the installation by selecting "Generic VGA, 640 x 480 @ 60 Hz". Then after completing the installation, you can use Xconfigurator to try to set a higher resolution.

To open Xconfigurator, log in as root and click on the "Terminal emulation program" button on the task bar. In the terminal window that appears, type Xconfigurator. Xconfigurator will probe for your video card. If that fails, you will be presented with a list of monitors. If you can't find your monitor in the list, select one of
the "Generic" options.

You will then have to select a "color depth" and "video mode". After making the required selections, Xconfigurator will display the message "Can you see this message?" If you do not click on the "Yes" button within ten seconds, you will be sent back to Xconfigurator's starting screen.
Then you can select different settings and try again.

If none of the Generic options work, select "Custom" and enter some horizontal sync and vertical sync numbers. Ultimately you should find a setting that works. You may have to make some adjustments to your monitor to resize, reposition, or remove pin cushion.

Sometimes changing your display setting is not as easy in Linux as it is in Windows, but the alternative is to
continue to use Windows and beg for Bill Gates' permission to upgrade your hardware (XP product activation).
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