“ Paradise lies under the feet of mothers.”
That's not so true Mrs Yasmeen, you have forgotten to mention that a women has the greatest status in Islam, as Jannat is under her feet if she is a mother
.Allah has given the mother such status that He says,
“ Paradise lies under the feet of mothers.”Our religion mentioned superiority of mother over father, when a sahabi asked our beloved prophet Mohammad Sallalhu Alaalihi walehi Wasalam (peace be upon him) about rights of his parents and asked who deserves more, he said "your mother" sahabi again asked he said "you mother" he again asked and his reply was "your mother" and then our prophet said "your father".Only Allah knows what your mother does for you, He sees your mother feeling pain whilst she tries to give you whatever you want. He sees your mother’s love and kindness. Pleased by your mother’s actions, Allah has given her a very high status and many virtues and rewards.Allah also sees that many of us are not thankful to our mothers. He sees many of us being disobedient towards them. Therefore, Allah has ordered us to be good towards our mothers; he has not advised us but ordered us; we have no choice; therefore we have to be good towards our mothers! To encourage us to do this, Allah Taa’la has promised paradise for those of us who are obedient towards our mothers. At the same time, Allah has threatened to severely punish those of us who do not listen to our mothers or hurt them in any way.But what does your Mother do for you? She only cooks and cleans! So why do you need to be thankful to your Mother?Apart from Allah, nobody knows what our Mother really does for us.TEN REASONS FOR BEING THANKFUL TO YOUR MOTHER:1. YOUR MOTHER CARRIED YOU IN HER STOMACH FOR 9 MONTHS BEARING PAIN UPON PAIN!2. DURING THIS TIME, SHE COULD NOT EAT BECAUSE OF YOU! SHE COULD NOT SLEEP BECAUSE OF YOU!3. WHEN YOU WERE A BABY; SHE SPENT EVERY MINUTE OF HER LIFE LOOKING AFTER YOU!4. SHE ONLY SLEPT WHEN YOU SLEPT! SHE ONLY ATE AFTER YOU HAD EATEN!5. SHE WAS PATIENT AND LOVED YOU EVEN WHEN YOU CRIED ALL NIGHT, AND WHEN YOU CRIED ALL DAY!6. SHE TAUGHT YOU HOW TO WALK, HOW TO SPEAK, HOW TO EAT, SHE TAUGHT YOU HOW TO LIVE!7. WHEN YOU FALL ILL, SHE LOOKS AFTER YOU!8. SHE ALWAYS COOKS AND PREPARES FOOD FOR YOU!9. SHE BUYS YOU WHATEVER YOU ASK FOR!10. SHE WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU, NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO!These are just a few things that our Mothers do for us; they do so much more of which we do not know about. However, one thing that your Mother does for you, that nobody else in the world does, is that she worries about you from the bottom of her Heart.SO WHAT IS IT SHE WORRIES ABOUT?SHE WORRIES ABOUT YOUR FOOD!SHE WORRIES ABOUT YOUR CLOTHES!SHE WORRIES ABOUT YOUR HEALTH!SHE WORRIES ABOUT YOUR EDUCATION!SHE WORRIES ABOUT YOUR FUTURE!SHE WORRIES ABOUT YOUR WHOLE LIFE!Allah has ordered us, in various places of the Holy Qur’an, to be good to our mothers. He has told us to look after them even more when they are old and weak. He has taught us to be gentle to our mothers and speak to them in a nice manner. He has also told us to supplicate to Him for our Mothers with this prayer,“RABBIR-HAMHUMA KAMA RABBAYANI SAGHEERAH.”(MY LORD HAVE MERCY UPON MY PARENTS; THE WAY THEY HAD MERCY UPON ME WHEN I WAS YOUNG).The Prophethas also ordered us to be good to our mothers. He has told us about the great rewards for that person who is good to his mother. He has described the mother as being a ‘door of paradise.’ He has also warned us of severe punishments for that person who is disobedient to his mother.
TEN EASY WAYS TO ENTER PARADISE1. LISTEN TO YOUR MOTHER2. HELP YOUR MOTHER3. SMILE AT YOUR MOTHER4. BE THANKFUL TO YOUR MOTHER FOR WHATEVER SHE DOES FOR YOU5. SPEND TIME WITH YOUR MOTHER6. ALWAYS ASK YOUR MOTHER IF YOU CAN HELP HER WITH ANYTHING7. BUY YOUR MOTHER GIFTS8. BE GOOD TO YOUR MOTHER’S FAMILY AND FRIENDS9. STUDY HARD AND LEAD A GOOD LIFE SO THAT YOUR MOTHER IS HAPPY10. ALWAYS PRAY FOR YOUR MOTHER, ESPECIALLY AFTER EVERY SALAAH.WARNING: THOSE WHO ARE DISOBEDIENT TO THEIR MOTHER WILL BURN IN THE FIRE OF HELL!However hard we try, we can never repay our mothers for what they have done for us, but we can at least try, and also ask Allah to repay them for us. Our mothers are indeed a great blessing from Allah. We should appreciate and value this blessing as much as we can. Whilst our mothers are alive, we have a golden opportunity to guarantee ourselves paradise and also success in this world.REMINDER: We will only truly realise the value of our mothers when they are no longer with us – when they have passed away, but then it will be too late!
So please do not feel bad about being a women. its the only religion which gives so much right and respect to a women.