
Expository & Descriptive Essay

The purpose of an expository essay is to represent objectively the opinions of other individuals or describe some event or situation. More widely, exposition is a systematic written interpretation or explanation of a specific topic. The writer of an expository essay should demonstrate systematic analysis of the studied topic and explain the essential points using illustrative examples and drawing appropriate analogies. The process of exposition should include an in-depth analysis of available materials, including the identification of primary ideas, theses and facts. Exposition also includes the expanded interpretation of the studied material, including consideration of other materials within the selected field. The writer should state the selected information clearly and professionally, taking into account the specificity of the addressed auditorium. Information should be sufficient and irrefragable.

An expository essay requires a fundamental analysis of available information and formulation of the clear and specific thesis statement. An introductory paragraph should be followed by the supporting paragraphs that reinforce and expound the thesis statement logically and distinctly. A concluding paragraph should restate the thesis statement in an original way and contain no new factual material. The writer should use transitional sentences between all paragraphs to make the essay solid.

Descriptive Essay

A descriptive essay is aimed at describing an object, phenomenon or event. A description process may be conducted through the introduction of examples, utilization of expressive language, comparison with some other objects, description of the personal sensations about the described object or any other technique that discloses peculiarities of a described object, phenomenon or event in a vivid and comprehensible way.

While writing a descriptive essay, it is necessary to remember that virtually every object, phenomenon, or event can be viewed from different angles by different individuals. To this reason, it is necessary to start with obvious features of a described object, and afterwards disclose as many of its peculiar features as possible. It is ultimately important to keep the reader of a descriptive essay interested in the discussed object by introduction of the most interesting features in a lively manner and by emphasizing the object?s remarkable features. The writer should display his own opinion about the subject and thus form the reader?s impression.
Introductory paragraph should include brief description of an object, starting with general features, continued with peculiar ones and finalized by the thesis statement. Body paragraphs should include more detailed description of the stated features, and the conclusion should summarize the stated information or restate the previously formulated thesis with consideration of peculiarities stated within the body paragraphs. 
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