
Assalaam Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu

In The Name Of ALLAH Most Gracious And Most Mercifull.
The Prophet (PBUH) Said
" Pass On Knowledge From Me Even if it is Only One Verse "
Bismillah Walhamdulillah Was Salaatu Was Salaam 'Ala Rasulillah 

Be Good to the Parents
{ 6.Surah Al-An'am : Ayah 151 } 

" Show Kindness To Your Parents
And Do Not Slay Your Children For (fear of)
 Poverty We Provide for you and for them."

 { 17.Surah Bani Israel : Ayah 23-24 } 

And Your Lord Has Commanded That 
You Shall Not Serve (any) But Him, 
And Goodness To Your Parents.
 If Either Or Both Of Them Reach Old Age With You, 
Say Not To Them (So Much As) "Ugh" Nor Chide Them
 And Speak To Them A Generous Word."

My Lord ! 
Grant Me That I Should Be Grateful For Thy
 Favor Which Thou hast Bestowed On Me And On MyParents, 
And That I Should Do Good Such As ThouArt Pleased With,
 And Make Me Enter, By Thy Mercy, Into
Thy Servants, The Good Ones

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