
How to delete Windows XP Admin(user) Password

 I hope that you have found them interesting. If those tutorials are a bit difficult for you to do then I am here with another method to delete the admin password of windows XP. This trick can be for your own benefit or your friends’ benefit, as anyone can forget the password. So, use trick for the access of forgotten passwords. Please don’t use these tricks for hacking purposes. Now coming on the procedure, just follow the easy instructions given below so that you can enjoy the positive result.

Method to delete Admin(user) Passwords

  1. Insert your Windows XP “CD” into your CD drive.
  2. Restart your computer.
  3. When you receive the message “press any key to boot from CD…“, Press any button from your keyboard.
  4. Now press “Enter” to start Windows setup.
  5. After you accept the license agreement, you will be asked if you want start a repair process.
  6. Press “R” from your keyboard to begin the repair process.
  7. Setup will now check your disks and start copying files, which can take several minutes.
  8. After this, reboot the computer.
  9. While rebooting let the computer boot normally (do not press a key to boot from CD).
  10. Now reaching the important step of your trick. You must keep a close look on the lower left portion of the screen.
  11. When you see the Installing Devices progress bar, press “Shift + F10” at the same time.
  12. By pressing the buttons  a command line console will be opened.
  13. Type “NUSRMGR.CPL” (without quotes) at the prompt.
  14. Press “Enter” key from your keyboard.
  15. Here you will be given access to User Accounts.
  16. Remove or change your password.
  17. After the repair is finished, you will be able to log on with your new password. Isn’t it cool???
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